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Economic Dynamics Of Territorial Development: Contribution To The Region’s Growth Potential

Table 17:

Territories 2019 2020 2021 2022 Growth thousand rubles Growth rate, %
Ermakovsky 64 745 106 118 173 930 285 074 220 329 340.3
Idrinsky 492 237 658 000 879 585 1 175 791 683 554 138.9
Karatuzsky 134 715 124 920 115 837 107 415 -27 300 -20.3
Krasnoturansky 52 734 66 451 83 737 105 520 52 786 100.1
Kuraginsky 518 290 537 922 558 299 579 447 61 158 11.8
Minusinsk 144 619 185 191 237 145 303 675 159 056 110.0
Minusinsky 441 053 646 876 948 748 1 391 492 950 438 215.5
Shushensky 403 637 394 505 385 579 376 855 -26 782 -6.6
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