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Economic Dynamics Of Territorial Development: Contribution To The Region’s Growth Potential

Table 13:

Territories 2019 2020 2021 2022 Growth thousand rubles Growth rate, %
Ermakovsky 64 745 85 824 113 767 150 807 86 062 132.9
Idrinsky 492 237 504 710 517 500 530 614 38 377 7.8
Karatuzsky 134 715 100 537 75 031 55 995 -78 720 -58.4
Krasnoturansky 52 734 47 391 42 589 38 274 -14 459 -27.4
Kuraginsky 518 290 465 386 417 883 375 229 -143 061 -27.6
Minusinsk 144 619 136 643 129 107 121 987 -22 633 -15.6
Minusinsky 441 053 545 828 675 492 835 958 394 905 89.5
Shushensky 403 637 330 583 270 751 221 748 -181 889 -45.1
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