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Development of Necessary Professional Competencies Among Students in a Kindergarten Teacher Training Program

Table 4:

Self-Efficacy Coherence Behavioral related to commitment Behavioral related search Cognitive Expectation
Sca1 Self-Efficacy -
Sca2 Coherence .62*** -
Sca3_1 Future Work & Career: Behavioral related to commitment .16 .14 -
Sca3_2 Future Work & Career: Behavioral related search .06 .11 -.27~ -
Sca3_3 My Future Work & Career: Cognitive .14 .28~ -.01 .27~ -
SCa3_4 My Future Work & Career: Expectation -.07 -.18 -.55*** .32* .19 -
Sca3_5 My Future Work & Career: Motivation via control .49** .43** .45** .01 .29~ -.44**
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