Using The Venn Diagram For Developing University Students’ Analytical Geographical Thinking


Developing university students’ analytical geographical thinking is one of the major objectives of university geographical education irrespective of the fact that it is achieved during Didactics of Geography lectures and seminars or fundamental courses in Geography. This objective can be achieved by various means, the Venn Diagram being among them. It is used to identify the aspects characteristic to concepts or the common features of geographical systems. Our research raised the following questions: which are the main geographic concepts and systems as the object of a certain comparison, and second, what are the main criteria on which a comparison is completed? To answer these questions, we used Venn Diagrams as research material made by students and published in articles, chapters, books, or as part of their portfolios for learning Geography and the Didactics of Geography, as well as during written exams or as exercises included in lesson planning. Our conclusions are the following: the critical and analytical geographical thinking have a peripheral position within the educational process, many sampled diagrams highlight the comparison of different objects without specifying the particular criteria, and students make use of critical and analytical thinking but with certain limitations when the geographic language is used.

Keywords: CompetenceDidactics of Geographycomparison criteriahigher educationgraphical organizercognition


One of the major objectives of university geographical education is developing university students’ analytical geographical thinking. This is true either for Didactics of Geography lectures and seminars or for fundamental courses in geography. There is well acknowledged that in territorial planning research three stages have to be completed in order to investigate all spatial features through the lens of systemic analysis: the human and economic analysis and the global investigation of all features occurred from the previous approach (Zotic, 2005, pp. 31-32).

The geographic analysis represents a mental or a real action through which the whole territorial system is decomposed into its elements, each being examined to identify its properties and to establish the relationship between them. In this regard, each element is approached to find out the main relations established between all the components of a territorial system. Studying each part of a system is important to exclusively separate all the parts, and the investigation upon them to be undoubtedly complete. Accordingly, this approach is meant to unveil both the internal structure of the investigated spatial elements as well as their specificities (Dulamă, 2010a, p. 163). The second step of the critical thinking is the comparison, thus enabling the mental or physical approach to geographical objects, systems, and processes in order to identify the main similarities and differences among them. Against such a background, the comparison is completed based on particular criteria and, in line with each criterion, there are multiple opportunities to discover whether the compared objects are similar or different (Dulamă, 2010a, p. 163).

In geographical research, there are various means for student’ critical and analytical thinking development, through Venn Diagram usage. It was created by the English logician John Venn (1834-1923) to represent visually the complex logical propositions and algebraic statements (Edwards, 2004). Canela Morales and Ruiz Sosa (2020) pointed out in a thematic study the symbolic nature of formal rationale of this diagram and its diagrammatic nature, as well as how knowledge could be ensured using diagrams and symbols. The authors investigated the various ways of diagrams use in the teaching and learning processes.

Venn and Euler Diagrams are well-defined mathematical diagram types used during Mathematics examinations in secondary education in the UK. In order to make the grading more efficient, an automatic system for assessing student’s answers was created based on Venn and Euler Diagrams. The grade is assigned after comparing the student’s answer with a model answer (Wijesinghe et al., 2017).

Focused on the use of Venn Diagram in Geography, the whole body of the international literature in the field introduces only indirectly the contribution of this didactic resource during Geography teaching and learning. Some aspects highlight the wide range of the various forms of graphical organizers (see Gottfried, 2015), while other studies are concerned with the natural sciences (Lynam et al., 2007). In Romania, Venn Diagram started to be extensively used in geography education after 2000, as a result of the awareness of its importance during training programs in which geography teachers were involved. Although this diagram is presented in some logic studies, several teachers have learned in recent decades that the Venn Diagram is a cognitive organizer of two partially overlapping circles that represent the similarities and differences between two aspects, ideas, or concepts (Steele et al., 1998a; 1998b). The similarities are mentioned in the area where the circles overlap, and the differences in the free, outer areas (Dulamă, 2002, p. 166). When using the Venn Diagram, spatial information is classified into two categories: real objects and their spatial properties and abstract objects (Gottfried, 2015).

Problem Statement

Although in Romania the Venn Diagram is largely introduced by a whole body of the literature focused on the Didactics of Geography, its benefits for the critical thinking development remain peripheral. Furthermore, this cognitive organizer is underused in the Romanian educational system both in pre-university education and in academic training. A review of the observed educational practices, pointing out a certain teaching style (Fetti & Albulescu, 2020), and of the specialized literature shows that there are different approaches on Venn Diagrams, thus generating relevant qualitative differences in line with its efficiency in the students’ critical thinking, who are interested in learning Geography. Both the literature and various practices show that some teachers have no relevant information on the role of the diagram within knowledge modelling in a certain domain (Gottfried, 2015).

Research Questions

Using the Romanian literature review concerned with the Venn Diagram, we intend to find some answers to the following questions: which are the main geographic concepts and systems as objects of a certain comparison, and second, what are the main criteria on which a comparison is completed? In addition, the study aims to reveal the main compared aspects, attributes and objects, the contexts and situations in which students use comparisons according to certain criteria. Finally, based on these findings, we are interested in unveiling some information on how students use Venn Diagrams in their particular learning actions, as well as on students’ difficulties in certain situations of comparing geographic objects, ideas, elements, and geographic processes.

Purpose of the Study

This research focuses on the following major objectives: on the one hand, it aims to investigate different Venn Diagrams included in the Romanian specialized literature to understand their main theoretical and methodological perspectives and, on the other hand, to analyze Venn Diagrams made by the students to find out the ways they use to include Venn Diagrams in their own learning processes, as well as to identify the students’ major difficulties within these specific training situations.

Research Methods

Procedure . Within the electronic portfolio made for the subject entitled “Geography, environment/sciences and their didactics in kindergarten and the primary grades”, during the Spring semester of the 2020, the students had to compare two distinct major landforms on various continents (e.g. mountains, hills, plateaus and fields), by completing two particular aspects of a landform, two specificities of the other landform and two common aspects for both investigated landforms within the Venn Diagram. As a background in solving this task, the students were informed about the theoretical support in terms of a handbook, a thematic presentation, four profiles of the investigated landforms and a table including the key aspects of the relief (Table 1 ). The portfolio tasks had to be solved individually until the exam. The work was designed in groups, to avoid any stress caused by the Romanian pandemic crisis.

Table 1 -
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Participants . 37 students in their 3rd year of study, attending the Program of the Primary Education Pedagogy from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Babeş-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, were involved in the research. These students train for a teaching career in the primary educational field of the Romanian pre-university education system. Of these, about 50% graduated the Pedagogic College and work in the primary education system. The second author of this study assigned this task to the students, assessed all students’ portfolios, being perceived by the students as a professor, not as a researcher.

The research material comprised 20 Venn Diagrams included in various works on Didactics of Geography (Dulamă, 2002; 2008; 2009; 2010a; 2010b; 2010c; Ilovan et al., 2010; Ilovan & Mihalca, 2010; Ţolaş, 2010) and in two scientific papers (Costa & Antonie, 2006; Dulamă & Ilovan, 2004), identified by the first author. The research material also covered eight diagrams made by some groups of four students, all diagrams being included in the students’ portfolios in order to be evaluated. The collected data are represented in tables specific to Education Sciences (Magdaș, 2018).

Collecting data and data analysis . Diagrams were extracted both from the specialized literature and from the students’ portfolios. Their content was then critically investigated in terms of their topics and contents.


Literature review on Romanian Venn Diagrams specialized work

Based on the critical analysis of the content included in the previously mentioned 20 diagrams, several aspects have been identified as follows:

a. Concepts and geographic systems are subjected to comparison. Literature recommends that Venn Diagrams are used for diverse comparisons: concepts (river/stream, glacier/ice shelf, island/peninsula, delta/estuary), hydrographic elements (The Rhine/The Danube, The Black Sea/The Caspian Sea, Aral Lake/Baikal Lake), mountains (The Alps/The Carpathians, The Western Carpathians/The Southern Carpathians), countries (Romania/Hungary, Italy/Norway, Romania/France, Italy/Greece, Brazil/Argentina), people (Romanians/Dutch, Hungarians/Romanians, Greeks/Italians, etc.), animal species (cat/lion), and types of plants (Dulamă, 2008, p. 346). In other works, diagrams are used to compare continents, countries, cities, lakes, civilizations, and types of forests (Dulamă & Mihalca, 2010).

b. Key features using Venn Diagrams. A sample of each identified category has been extracted (Table 2 ) to analyze through the lens of the critical geographic thinking. Differences occur after comparing all these diagrams. Some of them have been made by various authors to provide diverse examples for teachers and students (Dulamă, 2002, 2008, 2009), while others were achieved by the students in different contexts for their work assessment (Dulamă & Ilovan, 2004) or in various research contexts (Costa & Antonie, 2006). A diagram includes information about the people and works as a subjective tool/resource (Dulamă & Ilovan, 2004), while the other ones unveil some geographic information with higher objectivity (Costa & Antonie, 2006; Dulamă, 2002; 2009). They do not include criteria on which the comparison has been made with these issues being implied. Multiple aspects were presented in a mirroring manner; particularly a certain aspect has been analyzed in both compared geographical systems and concepts. Considering diagrams about geographical systems, there have been included geographical names of some realia (The Danube, Bucharest, The Carpathian Mountains, and The Black Sea), as well as some general or spatial features as the relief proportionality and variety, or types of countries, etc.

Table 2 -
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c. Comparative aspects of Venn Diagrams . To set the main categories of aspects revealed by the use Venn Diagrams included in Table 2 , as well as of other diagrams discussed in this research, the data included in Table 3 was systematized. The table is an example of a working tool that could be further developed according to various and countless topics. The main aspects resulted from the table investigation are as follows. When two geographical objects are compared, as for instance two rivers, the analysis can be done at the level of concepts or of some real rivers (the Rhine and the Danube). Considering the concepts, the analysis is made using some abstract objects with real features that define these concepts (Dulamă, 2010a, p. 163). In the case of real rivers, multiple properties in terms of their characteristics, features, particularities, etc. are focused on by Venn Diagrams, all these being perceived as relevant features defining that real or abstract object. Furthermore, they relate to some features that differentiate one object from another (Academia Română, 2009). When it is about the real rivers, their properties are included despite the concepts or features that are not included in this category.

Table 3 shows some information related to Venn Diagrams during the process of comparing the real objects and the real systems of objects. Based on the investigated diagrams, several types of elements have been designed and each category details several elements discovered during the comparison processes using Venn Diagrams.

Table 3 -
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Students’ analysis of Venn Diagrams

Considering students’ work and involvement in the context of the distance learning through the Microsoft Teams platform, the students had less support from the tutor. The main activities were represented by their individual study using various support teaching resources during their instruction, alongside other resources as syllabus, PowerPoint presentations, resources uploaded in Microsoft Teams as well as in private discussion groups via Facebook. The students discussed and kept in touch with their professor by online forums. Through all these means and methods, specific to the online environment, we did our best to provide a suitable instruction for students.

The proposed tasks aimed to allow the proper understanding and an objective learning assessment with all these important in the consolidation of a real perception towards diagram contents. Since each students’ team chose for comparison the landforms, mountains and plateaus were compared with the hills and fields (plains). The students had to follow the criteria included in Table 4 . The information provided by the table was added only in three diagrams (30%), showing that only some students understood the task. A diagram unveils the usage of term ‘height’, and the concept of ‘reduced height’ instead of ‘altitude’, as a specific concept in physical geography, is used in another diagram. In the second diagram, the terms ‘lower altitude’ and ‘higher altitude’ are used. Within these diagrams, we identified different types of wording that are not in line with the particular criteria since they do not refer to the features of the landforms, on the contrary, they refer to their current or possible use during the process of geography learning.

The ways in which students compared the landforms showed that they lacked relevant knowledge for teaching geography and they frequently used common or colloquial language rather than a geographical one. However, the students demonstrated the use of their critical thinking, making comparisons based on the suggested criteria.

Table 4 -
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The study focused on Venn Diagrams used in the field of Geography, for various comparisons, and revealed some relevant concluding remarks. The specialized literature revealed that the main actors in the students’ education are less interested in Venn Diagrams, with this teaching resource remaining marginal in teaching and learning Geography. Accordingly, the critical and analytical geographical thinking also have a peripheral position within the educational process, as this topic remains marginal in the specialized literature. The diagrams included in various works illustrate a major diversity of geographic objects (geographic systems) that are differently compared, using various approaches. Many sampled diagrams highlight the comparison of different objects without specifying particular criteria.

The students’ analysis of diagrams indicated relevant difficulties when the diagrams were used. This is argued by the fact that only 30 percent of them are correctly using the resources recommended by the professor. The textual expressions included in diagrams clearly indicate that the students make use of critical and analytical thinking but with certain limitations when the geographic language is used. These issues could be solved through some major time resources in order to properly learn the geographic contents, either during university study programs or through individual study. Making use of some specific exercises aiming at diagrams construction closely supervised by the professor could represent one action in the learning of geography using Venn Diagrams.


The research for this article was supported by a STAR-UBB Institute fellowship (The Institute of Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, belonging to Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania), won by Professor Maria Eliza Dulamă, Ph.D., during the 2019-2020 academic year (for the April-May 2020 period) and titled Valorificarea unor tehnologii avansate pentru realizarea unor filme didactice destinate predării-învățării în învățământul universitar [Valorising Certain Advanced Technologies to Realise Didactic Films for Teaching-Learning in the University System]. The fellowship was funded through the project 33PFE/2018 (Strategic infrastructure at Babeș-Bolyai University in the context of developing new and smart technology – 2018-2020), which was won through a competition organised in 2018 by the Ministry of Research and Innovation, of Romania.


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31 March 2021

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Education, teacher, digital education, teacher education, childhood education, COVID-19, pandemic

Cite this article as:

Cîineanu, M., Dulamă, M. E., Ilovan, O., Rus, G. M., Kobulniczky, B., Voicu, C., & Chiș, O. (2021). Using The Venn Diagram For Developing University Students’ Analytical Geographical Thinking. In I. Albulescu, & N. Stan (Eds.), Education, Reflection, Development – ERD 2020, vol 104. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 238-247). European Publisher.