Personality Inculturation Aspects (Project Work At Global Transformations Age)


The article analyzes the experience of working with a professional project in English as a meaningful component of the process of inculturation of the student's personality. The modern period of social development is characterized by transformations in various spheres, which is a consequence of globalization. The Institute of education is affected by globalization processes. Russia's integration into the world's educational space contributes to the demand for foreign language speakers. The formation of the individual in the educational system is carried out in "inculturation", which means the acquisition of a broad humanitarian culture. The design combines the principles of a communicative approach to language teaching and the values of education. The main purpose and stated objectives of foreign language project work of students, the project structure and methodology, especially intercultural communication at the global transformations age are presented. The impact of globalization on higher education system implies the inclusion of national educational systems into the world educational space and their unification, integration of the higher education systems of the countries in the leading sectors of the economy and culture, and creating new educational paradigms that use electronic communications. Therefore, foreign-language project activities as a part of syllabus of the subject" foreign language in the field of professional communications", contribute to the inculturation of the student's personality, assimilation in the global society.

Keywords: Foreign languageinculturationintercultural communicationmotivationproject activitiespersonality


The dynamism of the processes in modern civilization, the humanization and democratization of society, the intellectualization of labor, and the rapid change of technologies also imply global transformations of higher education on a global scale. Today, it is necessary to address all the issues of higher education taking into account the dynamics of culture and civilization caused by globalization. The modern period of development of society in general and the Russian one in particular, is characterized by radical transformations in various spheres, which is a consequence of globalization, which determines all world processes. The Institute of education, like all other social institutions, is affected by globalization processes. The most obvious changes related to the process of globalization are in higher education, since it is here that integration and high competition between universities in the world market of educational services are most developed. This relationship between the need for highly qualified personnel, higher education and the labor market becomes even more obvious under the influence of the active development of the latest communication technologies.

The integration of Russia into the pan-European scientific, educational and cultural space contributes to the growing demand in modern society for those who speak one or more foreign languages, since this is a factor that ensures high quality research and educational activities, including professional mobility.

The formation of an individual in the educational system is carried out by assimilation of the necessary knowledge, norms, values, patterns and skills of behavior, norms of social life and culture, which is interpreted in the Humanities as "inculturation" and means in a broad sense "the acquisition of a broad humanitarian culture". Inculturation implies a dialogue of cultures that occurs in the process of intercultural communication, which can be determined as a set of different relationships and communications between individuals and groups belonging to different cultures. An example of the experience of inculturation of students' personality in the process of working with a professional project in English that is the issue of examining and reviewing this article.

Problem Statement

It should be noted that foreign language proficiency consists of the following competencies:

  • linguistic competence: knowledge of lexical, grammar and phonetics, as well as skills and abilities to use them in generating and perceiving foreign language utterances;

  • discursive (communicative) competence: the ability to construct coherent and logical statements (discourses) of different functional styles in oral and written professionally significant communication based on the understanding of various types of texts

  • strategic competence: the ability to use verbal and nonverbal strategies to compensate for gaps caused by a lack of language proficiency;

  • pragmatic competence: the ability to use language for functional purposes, depending on the nature of social and professional communication: the situation, the status of the interlocutors and the addressee of speech, and other factors related to the pragmatics of speech communication;

  • socio-cultural competence: the ability to use and transform language forms in accordance with the social and cultural levels of professional communication.

The strategic goal of the scientific, educational and educational activities of the Department of foreign languages in the humanitarian creative higher educational institution is to create conditions for effective training of graduates who have all of the above types of professionally-oriented foreign language competencies necessary for individual creative activity, business and professional partnership, industrial and scientific work, and communication with representatives of other cultures. This goal is achieved by solving the following tactical tasks.

The tasks for optimizing the educational process are the following:

  • identification of the level of language proficiency of the first-year students and their distribution in groups with approximately the same level: groups of “General education”, groups of intensive training, groups of students aimed at obtaining additional qualifications;

  • monitoring the effectiveness of the language learning process, developing a testing system (intermediate, final, final control);

  • increasing the number of hours for low-level students;

  • checking the level of residual knowledge of students of 3–4 courses;

  • providing an opportunity to prepare for exams for international certificates;

  • creating a system of continuity in the training of foreign languages-SPO-Bachelor's – master's – Postgraduate courses;

  • activation of extracurricular creative activities of students, postgraduates, teachers for learning foreign languages (English-Speaking Club, Olympiads, competitions, etc.).

When developing a socio-cultural project, it is necessary to take into account modern knowledge, methods, tools, and technologies for optimal allocation of resources and impact on people in order to achieve the desired result (Fin Win, 2020).

Taking into account all the above mentioned, it will be interesting to share the experience of implementing educational joint activities of teachers of the Department of foreign languages and students of the University. A modern graduate gets an idea about innovative activities through the implementation of projects in the course of training in the process of mastering the disciplines of general professional and special modules. The relevance of project activities in the University is due to the need to ensure the competitiveness of the University and its graduates, who by the end of training must have the required competencies at the level substantial for their future profession.

Research Questions

A project is an ideal vision of the final results of an activity, an ideal description of a specific social service (Educational portal "Quality Mark", 2019). The principle of project work is to train students and undergraduates in research activities, stimulate their motivation and interest in the discipline "foreign language in the field of professional communications". The founders of the project method at the beginning of the XX century, Collings (1926); Dewey (1966) and Kilpatrick (1918) in their research focused on students, and developed project classifications, described ways to implement project activities. All work in the pre-exam term is aimed not only at getting acquainted with the design theory and presentation methodology, but also at developing practical design skills. Students are given the material that the project can exist in two forms:

  • as an integral part of the program, which is a type of concretization and content of priority areas of development of socio-cultural life of the territory;

  • as an independent solution to a local problem, addressed to a specific audience.

In addition, students work with special authentic materials about design, learning, for example, that the term "design" comes from Latin word "projectus" (thrown forward) is the process of creating a prototype, a prototype of a proposed or possible object, a state, a specific activity, the result of which is a scientifically-theoretically and practically justified definition of options for the predicted and planned development of new processes and phenomena. Design is an integral part of management, which allows to ensure the implementation of manageability and adjustability of a certain process.

Social design is considered as a specific activity related to the scientifically based definition of options for the planned development of social processes and phenomena, as well as purposeful changes in specific social institutions.

This is one of the tools for implementing the requirements of scientific management and one of the methods of pre-planned activities, when possible solutions are developed for various social phenomena and processes. The main results of the social design technology are the program and project, which reflect the future desired state of the system that occurs when certain actions of people, the presence of certain resources (financial, labor, material, intellectual, cognitive, value).

For the development, modernization, and improvement of certain indicators, new qualitative transformations are required, which are carried out through the implementation of projects (Nikolaev, 2014). A project is a one-time set of activities, limited in time, creating a unique final result, when many projects are combined and project programs are formed, including state programs. Popov's conceptual understanding of social design in the system of regional management is that it, being an important factor that increases the possibilities of innovative development of regions, becomes an effective way of management activity (Popov, 2018).

It is very important that the content of a number of subjects in the curriculum delivered in Russian partially repeats the essence of English-language content, which can remove a number of difficulties in the design process in a foreign language, since, in essence, a social project is the most complex type of social design. This activity involves the creation of a new, previously non-existent, socially significant product during the implementation of the project. This product of activity is a means of resolving the contradiction between a social difficulty, a problem perceived as personally significant, and the need of the individual, and the activity itself is a link between society and the individual.

According to Kudinova and Skulimovskaya (2018) in conditions of globalization processes it is more promising to be engaged not in cognitive project activity, but in the research, as it largely meets the requirements of today's dynamic reality. Research projects, as well as projects aimed at achieving a specific goal or solving a specific task, do not contradict or oppose each other, they can be combined or represent a single unity.

Purpose of the Study

There exist several concepts of socio-cultural design. Markov and Birjiniuk (1997), in the book "Fundamentals of regional cultural policy and formation of cultural and leisure programs" give the following definition: Socio-cultural design is a science-based process of creating new or changing existing socio-cultural environment and, at the same time, the most important sphere of socio-cultural activities, with its specificity and technology.

A project can exist in two forms:

  • as an integral part of the program, which is a form of concretization and content filling of priority areas for the development of socio-cultural life of the territory;

  • as an independent solution to a local problem addressed to a specific audience.

Working on a project makes it possible to develop students' creativity, imagination, questions, and self-realization. Design is one of the most exciting teaching methods, combining in a practical way both the fundamental principles of the communicative approach to language teaching and the values of education. It is necessary to determine the important aspects of classroom work presented in the manual entitled "Professional Project" developed at the Department of Foreign Languages of Tyumen State Institute.

The goals are the following:

  • Organization of the studied and additional material in a foreign language in written and oral form: logic, sequence, compliance with the presented topic.

  • Form of final control: grammar, vocabulary, oral utterance.

  • Ability and skills of students to use professionally oriented vocabulary.

  • Learning new material through language.

  • Communicative aspect: speaking in public, conducting a dialogue in the form of "question-answer", emotional impact on the audience (advertising moment).

  • Application of knowledge obtained in professionally oriented disciplines in the native language.

Basic general requirements:

  • Use of the studied vocabulary on professionally oriented topics.

  • Use of oral and written clichés in the language.

  • Logical construction of the project (words-bundles at the beginning and middle of sentences, between paragraphs).

  • The presence of novelty, subject and object of research, aspects of relevance, goals and objectives of the project.

  • Use of grammatical constructions.

  • Highlighting key points in an oral presentation.

  • The use of visual tools.

It becomes especially significant in the context of a national project "Export of Education".

Research Methods

The stages of project development are usually permanent: research-problem-goal - tasks-methods-essence-evaluation.

The success of project work depends on planning and organization. If one has a project plan, this will help him/her to avoid chaos and problems. In general, a project can have four stages: theme, data collection, presentation, and evaluation of the project. The main stages can be: 1. Planning. 2. Implementation. 3. Presentation of the output. 4. Evaluation.

Project characteristics are applicable to various research subjects and topics. The following components are possible: 1. Introduction. 2. The theme of the presentation. 3. Research and data collection. 4. The preparation of the submission data. 5. Presentation. 6. Evaluation.

The final stage of the assessment includes a general assessment: understanding the topic, group and teacher interaction, process organization, source materials, language advantages and disadvantages, and examples. It is important to note that project is an ideal vision of the end results of an activity. Socio-cultural projects focus on the development and preservation of cultural values, new values of relations. A project can take various forms: forums, contests, games, festivals.

Various forms of assessment can be used, for example, students can write their own diaries with notes about what they learned while working on the project, can record the experience in their reports, they can define criteria for success and failure and discuss their individual work in the project and personal contribution.

Types of projects developed during the course of studying the discipline “foreign language in the field of professional communication” can be categorized as follows: information and research projects, research projects, production projects, work and organizational projects that can be implemented in different ways, as in reports, demonstrations, performances, parties, games, etc.

Organizing work on a project may seem complicated, but it should be done step-by-step. One must define the topic, outline the end result, structure the project, identify language skills and strategies, collect and analyze information, present the final product, and finally evaluate the project. Working on a project fosters students' independence in making decisions and completing tasks while working on projects.

Requirements for the project in writing: volume: 15–20 pages (title page and not included); printed text: TimesNewRoman font 14, line space 1.5; format – A4; margins: upper and lower – 2cm; left – 3 cm; right – 2cm.

Compliance with the stylistic norms of writing: selection of paragraphs ;use of official words in full form;no contractions or abbreviations, usage of appropriate explanatory footnotes at the bottom of the page; repeatability in closely spaced sentences, and the presence of synonymy; use the introductory cliché, logical connectors and cords at the organization of the text.

Requirements for the oral presentation of the project: oral presentation of the project: 7–10 minutes. The use of verbal clichés and all requirements of the presentation, speech in the first person singular or plural, clarity of speech, application of visual, audio, and video tools, multimedia, highlighting the main, key points.


Therefore, the implementation of socio-cultural projects can help in solving the following tasks:

  • assistance in the development of cultural technologies, mastering a new profession, new means of communication, a type of cultural and leisure or artistic activity-optimization of a person's lifestyle in general;

  • assistance in changing the socio-cultural environment and the main spheres of life of individuals;

  • assistance in establishing links, introducing new forms and modern ways of human interaction with this changed global environment (Socio-cultural design from idea to implementation, 2019).

  • The use of the project method is one of the most important motivations for learning English, since all students are involved in the project, regardless of their abilities and level of language training.

  • According to Budakova (2012), during the project implementation period, students develop the following skills:

  • general study skills: working with a dictionary, reference literature, drawing up a message plan, etc.;

  • special skills: the ability to compose messages, shorten text, make short notes on a topic, etc.;

  • proper communication skills by type of speech activity (the ability to conduct a discussion, listen and hear the interlocutor, defend their point of view, etc.);

  • intellectual: the ability to work with information, navigate the information space, systematize knowledge, highlight the main idea, make generalizations and conclusions, etc.;

  • creative: the ability to find several solutions to the problem, choose more rational ones, predict the consequences of decisions made, the ability to see a new problem;

  • methodological: ability to work in libraries, on a computer, in telecommunications networks (Budakova, 2012).

All of the above mentioned correlates with the principles of scientific-methodical work of the Department of foreign languages TGIC reflected in the formulation of the scientific theme “The Fоrmation of Linguo-socio-cultural and Creative Personality in the Process of Teaching Languages at the University of Arts”, which determined the tasks for improvement of teaching: the use of effective techniques and training methods that contribute to increasing the motivation of students to engage them in creative activities, related to their future profession. introduction of modern interactive methods and educational technologies for teaching a foreign language (case-study methodology, project and problem-based learning, role-playing and business games, information and communication technologies, Internet resources, etc.); the project implementation allows one to solve several tasks: students – to acquire the skill of working in a team, to get self-confidence, and, to get experience in implementing a large educational project.

Based on the reviewed sources, we can come to the following conclusions: project work carried out in a foreign language has such advantages as increased motivation to work in a foreign language when students are involved in the project; all four skills-reading, writing, listening and speaking – are combined and implemented; autonomous learning is practiced, as students become more responsible for their learning; there are learning results – the final product; interpersonal relationships are developed through working in a group; the content and methodology can be defined between students and the lecturer, as well as within the group itself; there is an opportunity to take a break from scholasticism and routine, a chance to do something new (Kiseleva, 2017). Intercultural communication plays an important role in the process of personal enculturation. It implies interaction and interdependence of global and local cultures. It is necessary to analyze intercultural communication when studying the current state of the society, when there is a need to differentiate the limits of globalization and to save socio-cultural pluralism and tolerance. Socialization and enculturation created in the process of intercultural communication lead to the appearance of a multicultural personality (Kononova et al., 2019). This personality is ready for development and creation.


Thus, project activities should be considered as innovative and creative. It is based on appropriate technology that can be improved.

The relevance lies in the fact that this technology has a wide range of applications. The development of this technology will allow specialists to more effectively implement organizational, managerial and other functions in the social and cultural sphere. In addition, these technologies contribute to the competitiveness of specialists in the labor market, because the development of a socially significant project and registration of an application for its financing is a real opportunity for implementation in the labor market.

So, it should be noted that a number of important components of the project foreign language activities, reflecting the following didactic principles, teaching methods and techniques are considered as the most significant: organization of independent, group and frontal work, visibility and feedback, the link of the learning content with the developments of modern technologies, and also focus on the needs of society in the use of foreign languages; the development of creativity and critical thinking of the students; formation of broad horizons of students; development of students' research skills; formation of motivation and linguistic-socio-cultural competence.

Therefore, it should be taken into consideration that the impact of globalization on the higher education system can be divided into three aspects. The first is the gradual blurring of the borders of national educational systems, their inclusion in the world educational space and unification. The second aspect is the integration of higher education systems in the world's leading sectors of economy and culture through the export of education and international exchange programs for students and teachers (academic mobility). The third is to create new educational models and paradigms that use the latest electronic communications (distance higher education). All of the above aspects undoubtedly suggest a systematic intercultural professional communication in a foreign language, while foreign language project activity, which theoretically and in practice, provides master's course in the Foreign language discipline in the field of cross-cultural awareness that best promotes the inculturation of the student's personality, socio-cultural assimilation into the global namespace.


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27 February 2021

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National interest, national identity, national security, public organizations, linguocultural identity, linguistic worldview

Cite this article as:

Kononova, T. M., Skulmovskaya, L. G., Akulich, E. M., Siteva, S. S., & Vaganova, V. S. (2021). Personality Inculturation Aspects (Project Work At Global Transformations Age). In I. Savchenko (Ed.), National Interest, National Identity and National Security, vol 102. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 543-551). European Publisher.