Patriotism In Transport Nominations And Advertising


The article is devoted to the linguistic and cultural analysis of transport nominations and transport advertising text in order to identify patriotism in creating of a particular transport brand and its advertising. The concept of patriotism has different meanings in different languages and cultures. This concept is associated with the concept of the homeland, environment, self-sacrifice in Russia. This concept has individual character and represents a person with his rights in European countries. A characteristic feature of Russians is considered to love for the homeland, both small and great. Love for the motherland is considered an integral feature of the character of the Russian people. We can see even in the names of various domestic vehicles and it leads to the choice of Russian-made cars in future. Russian transport nominations give the right to speak about the pride of Russian people for their country, since almost all vehicles are named either in honour of the heroes or in honour of Russian territory. Russian advertisers create advertising slogans which contribute to the development of pride and to buy exactly domestic cars. According to modern sociocultural conditions, new names and advertising require the formation of values, generally accepted beliefs about the goals to which a person should aspire. They form the basis of the moral principles of its existence.

Keywords: Brandlinguacultural analysispatriotismtransport nominationstransport advertising


Love feelings, pride and loyalty to Motherland, its history, culture, traditions are basic components in the world. They increase complex integral personal units. The importance of updating images of the Motherland is obvious. It contributes to understand true patriotic consciousness formation.

Some transport advertising texts contain the meaning of citizens consolidation and make people to feel patriotic. The texts of transport advertising contain the value-symbolic content of social memory.

We discuss the problem of the patriotism formation as the main methodological positions of the structurally meaningful diagram of the patriotism phenomenon in transport names and transport advertising texts. Patriotism of transport naming is associated with the processes of globalization.

The thematic area of transport advertising with an ideological component is quite wide: ethical human qualities, sociocentric values, power, homeland, patriotism.

Many words of solemn, “high” expression are used along with common words: bless, giant, homeland, fatherland, victorious, etc. The words patriot, patriotism, patriotic, Russia, Russians are often used in Russian transport advertising. These words are used mainly with evaluatively-characterizing ameliorative connotations of nominative meaning in contexts of expressive tonality.

The central place is occupied by patriotism and citizenship in the modern state system. Patriotism and citizenship allow a person to feel legally, socially, morally, and politically capable. Let us turn to dictionaries and encyclopaedias (Guzenina, 2012, p. 28). The citizenship is a moral quality of a person determining the conscious and active fulfilment of duties to the state. Patriotism (in Greek – means compatriot, means motherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling.

Thus, we see that these two concepts are closely interconnected, and it is impossible to cultivate patriotism without citizenship. It gives people the opportunity to feel pride in their homeland, the desire to increase its fame and to preserve the memory of the past for posterity (Amoroso, 2018, р. 94).

According to modern sociocultural conditions, new names and advertising require the formation of values, generally accepted beliefs about the goals to which a person should aspire. They form the basis of the moral principles of its existence (Isakova, 2018, р. 483). Practice shows that insufficient knowledge of the most important historical events, the names of the largest political and historical figures leads to a misunderstanding of the present, vague idea of the future which is very important for our difficult and worrying time. A man can live all his life within his state and he will not find his homeland. So his soul will be fully patriotic deserted and dead. Homeland finding is an act of personal spiritual self-determination, which determines the spiritual fruitful of his life (Poltorackij & Ilyin, 1989, р. 169).

Russian understanding of a patriot is a decent person who loves his land and people near him. Americans also cry when their anthem sounds, but their understanding of patriotism is more likely connected with a person’s personality and respect for themselves and their country.

So, we can conclude that patriotism includes an interconnected set of moral feelings and characteristics of behaviour, such as: love to the Motherland, loyalty to the political system, following and multiplying to the people traditions, respect to historical monuments and customs of the home country, affection and love to the native places; the desire to strengthen the honour and dignity of the Motherland, readiness and ability to protect the Motherland, military bravery, courage and selflessness, intolerance of racial and national hostility, respect for the cultural customs of other countries and peoples, the desire to cooperate with other countries and peoples of different nationalities.

Problem Statement

The theoretical and methodological basis of my research is works of Russian researchers in the field of psycholinguistics (Leontiev, 1975; Pilgun, 2018; Ufimtseva & Tarasov, 2009), cognitive linguistics, (Boldyrev, 2017), intercultural communication, linguoculturology (Mihalchenko & Kryuchkova, 2002; Volodarskaya, 2001), as well as foreign scientists of these scientific areas (Fodor, 1975; Jackendoff, 1992; Langacker, 2008).

The concept of patriotism has different meanings in different languages and cultures. This concept is associated with the concept of the homeland, environment, self-sacrifice in Russia. This concept has individual character and represents a person with his rights in European countries (Lebedev & Kokhanova, 2017). A characteristic feature of Russians is considered to love for the homeland, both small and great. It can be seen even in the names of various domestic vehicles, which leads to the choice of Russian-made cars in future.

Today linguistic research of trademarks, brands of various mechanisms and accompanying advertising texts is quite relevant. The following research contributes to memorization and serves the ultimate purpose of product purchases. The choice of transport trademarks is an object of our research. It is explained the fact of an important role of transport in the complex process of cognizing changes in all areas of modern society. Let us stop at the peculiarities of people choosing a car. As you know, all Russian motorists can be divided into two categories, such as: people who prefer only domestic cars (70 % are men) and people who adhere to foreign cars (85% are women). At the same time, some drivers have both imported and domestic in case a foreign car is not started in severe frosts. The third is not given.

Research Questions

The realization of the research goal requires solution of the following tasks:

  • To justify the presence of patriotic motives both in the names of transport brands and in their advertising.

  • To analyse car brands from different countries to collect research material.

  • To consider automobile nominations and advertising in the aspect of their communicative-pragmatic and linguistic-cultural characteristics.

  • To reveal ethno-specific features of the content of transport advertising slogans.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of our study is to identify patriotism in transport nominations and transport advertising texts.

Research Methods

The following analysis methods have been in the research process: 1) descriptive; 2) comparative analysis, 3) the method of cultural-background interpretation; 4) quantitative method, 5) method of cognitive analysis.

The scientific novelty of the study is that the aspect of patriotism has firstly been studied in transport nominations and transport advertising.

The theoretical significance of the work is that the study contributes to the further development of the cognitive direction of linguistics, pragmatics, intercultural communication, advertising theory and allows you to use the results in a systematic study of other aspects of advertising.

The material of the study was the transport nominations and advertising texts of Russian and foreign automobile concerns – PETROVICH, GAZ, UAZ, AVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, MUSTANG, AUDI, TOYOTA, LEXUS, HYUNDAI, NISSAN, BMW, RENAULT, PEUGEOT, MERCEDES, VOLVO, CHEVOLISHET and others.


Transport nominations and transport advertising are a marker of culture and it is necessary to study them according to the point of linguoculturology.

The basis of transport nominations creating is:

  • toponyms (toponyms are the names of the settlements where the vehicle is manufactured (Ivanovets crane (Ivanovo city), Chelyabinets crane (Chelyabinsk city), Kirovets tractor (Kirov city), Moskvich retro car (Moscow city), Zaporozhets retro car (Zaporozhye city), motor ship Tyumen (Tyumen city), motorcycle Minsk (Minsk city), etc.);

  • hydronyms (hydronyms are names of rivers and reservoirs (Volga car (Volga river), Oka car (Oka river), Zhiguli car (Zhiguli river), truck Ural (Ural river), bus Volzhanin (Volga river), etc.);

  • anthroponyms (anthroponyms are names of people, names of heroes (Yuri Dolgorukiy car, Prince Vladimir car, Ivan Krusenstern ship, Andrei Rublev ship, Ivan Kulibin ship, aircraft "Ruslan", etc.);

  • ergonyms (a very common tradition of using the name of a company or enterprise producing a transport brand (passenger car "IJ" (Izhevsky Automobile Plant), trucks "KAMAZ" (Kamsky Automobile Plant), "KRAZ" (Krenchug Automobile Plant), mine dump truck "BELAZ" (Belarusian Automobile Plant), PAZ bus (Pavlovsky Automobile Plant), KAVZ bus (Kurgan Bus Plant), VTZ tractor (Vladimirovsky Tractor Plant), GAZ (Gorky Automobile Plant), etc.).

Russian transport nominations give the right to speak about the pride of Russian people for their country because all vehicles are named either in honour of the heroes or in honour of a certain territory. Russian advertisers create advertising slogans promoting pride for "their own" in order to stimulate Russians to buy domestic cars. For example:

  • UAZ Patriot We are the same blood with you.

  • Ural. Strong cars are for a strong Russia.

Speaking about television texts, it is very important to note that any text of TV commercial can exist independently from other components of an advertising message. Nevertheless its meaning is defined by the speech context in which it is located in general. Any advertising text is a combination of statements based on a complex program. It reflects the image of the author 's world imposed on the viewer included in the communication. The text carries a holistic view of its reference basis context and contains implicit meaning subtext (Miller & Johnson-Laird, 1976).

Advertising text has formal (its parts have related language elements) and semantic connectivity (its parts bear common meaning components). The text is emotive. It reflects the author’s attitude towards reality. Transport advertising mainly uses so-called "soft" image advertising which is aimed to create a favourable atmosphere around this product together with the dissemination of information about the product, to encourage pride for the Russian car. There are no imperative constructs in such advertising text. It is often emotional advertising playing on symbols and deep motives.

Such an advertising message forms an internal willingness to buy a car, changes the mood in its favour and creates a positive image and positive connotation.

For example:

TV commercial of Lada Kalina car. Our city seems to have fallen in love.

Promotional video of the tractor "Belarus". They could not defeat the Russian winter. But it is defeated by the tractor "Belarus."

Image advertising is directed to creation of a favourable firm image and product image. It is important to emphasize reliability and work efficiency, goodwill towards customers and stability. Such advertising is often components of the firm 's RR campaign.

For example, advertising prospectus of VAZ cars. First of all advertising is aimed at the consumer. So its means must “force” a person to purchase a particular product, all levels of advertising “work” from font to verbal text.

The main task of advertisers is to form a positive potential consumer attitude to the advertised goods. Moreover the advertising would be postponed in the long-term memory of the person. And the sense of patriotism helps to stop the choice on the Russian manufacturer. We know that the interest of modern linguistics has increased in the study of linguistic contacts of different peoples (“the world in language”).

The emergence of specific language culture facts can ultimately be stimulated by the cultural development of society. Language reflects mass thinking. It responds to all changes and innovations. Of course, the transport trade mark is certainly a linguistic-cultural unite (Isakova, 2019).

Thus Russian transport nominations and advertising require research which is formed under the powerful influence of extralinguistic factors and is actively implanted in the minds of modern potential customers. And finally it forms a certain level of patriotism.


Patriotism is the significant value of the people. It is the basis of mentality and forms the national heritage of the people and the nation. Patriotic national stereotypes create positive images in transport advertising. Advertising is quite effective using patriotic motives, and it always forms a positive image of the country. The processes of globalization and social integration have led to a surge of scientific interest in the concept of patriotism.

At the same time, all scientists note the importance of patriotism for the harmonization of state, social and interpersonal relations in the modern integrating world.

We consider transport nominations and transport advertising is one of such social interaction which can influence the change and formation of value guidelines in the daily life of people. Extensive material allows us to form an idea of the main key meanings broadcast in advertising and to identify the national-specific peculiarities of transport nominations and advertising, their linguoculturological specifics. This is especially true for transport nominations and advertising.

For example, every people can feel like a little German driving Volkswagen car or Liebherr truck, a real British driving Bentley car or JCB excavator, a real American driving in a Ford car or Mustang Mini tractor, a real Russian driving UAZ PATRIOT car or Volzhanin bus, a real Japanese driving Toyota car or Kubota tractor, etc.

Transport advertising is a social environment. It has a direct influence on the formation of individual values. Therefore some transport advertising is a reflection of the country's national outlook, its value system and patriotism.

The phenomenon of advertising is an integral part of modern media space about goods/services and it affects the formation of the internal consumer world, traditional values of previous generations, behavioural and linguistic stereotypes. Transport nominations and transport advertising texts reflect the characteristics of people material and spiritual life, established stereotypes and new trends, expand the boundaries of the people knowledge about each other and take part in social globalization and intercultural interaction. Moreover, transport advertising is a social and cultural phenomenon of modern society, an integral component of its material and spiritual activities and the mechanisms for patriotism education.


I would like to express my very great appreciation to Dr. Shahbuba Merdanov and Transport Institute students of Tyumen industrial university for their valuable and constructive suggestions during this research work.


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27 February 2021

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National interest, national identity, national security, public organizations, linguocultural identity, linguistic worldview

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Isakova, A. A. (2021). Patriotism In Transport Nominations And Advertising. In I. Savchenko (Ed.), National Interest, National Identity and National Security, vol 102. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 391-397). European Publisher.