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A Systematic Approach Of Ergonomics Assessment Tool Selection

Table 2:

Part Steps Description
Part A: Neck, Trunk and Leg Analysis Step 1 Locate Neck PositionSelect the score of your neck position.
Step 1a Add the score into step 9 if applicable to you. Then, total up Neck score.
Step 2 Locate Trunk Position.Select the score of your position.
Step 2a Add the score into Step 10 if the statement is applicable to you. Then, total up Trunk Score.
Step 3 LegsSelect the score of your leg position.
Step 4 Determine the final score for Step 1 to Step 3 by look-up Posture Score in Table A that provided in the scoresheet.
Step 5 Add Force/ Load Score
Step 6 Sum up score from Step 4 and Step 5 to obtain Neck, Trunk and leg Score. Then, look-up to able C for Wrist and Arm Score.
Part B: Arm and Wrist Analysis Step 7 Locate Upper arm position
Step 7a Select which applicable to you and add the score into step 1, then total up Upper Arm Score.
Step 8 Locate Lower Arm PositionSelect the score of your wrist position.
Step 9 Locate Wrist PositionSelect the score of your wrist position.
Step 9a Add the score to step 3 if it is applicable to you, ignore if it is not. Then, total up Wrist Position Score.
Step 10 Determine the final score for Step 7 to step 9a by look-up to posture Score in Table B that provided in the scoresheet.
Step 11 Add Coupling Score.
Step 12 Sum up score from Step 10 and Step 11 to obtain Wrist and Arm Score. Then, look-up to table C for Wrist and Arm Score.
Step 14 Determine the final score in Table C and sum it with Activity Score to get the final REBA Score.
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