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Effect Of Marketing And Handling Student Complaints Onstudent Satisfaction And Loyalty

Table 1:

Constructs/Items Loadings Composite reliability Average variance extracted Variance inflation factor
Student Loyalty 1 .809 .946 .687
SL2 .879
SL3 .849
SL4 .845
SL5 .841
SL6 .692
SL7 .862
SL8 .838
Student Satisfaction 1 .838 .933 .700 3.571
SS2 .830
SS3 .852
SS4 .832
SS5 .845
SS6 .822
Handling student complaints 1 .840 .949 .673 3.361
HSC2 .725
HSC3 .827
HSC4 .864
HSC5 .790
HSC6 .831
HSC7 .825
HSC8 .847
HSC9 .826
Relationship Marketing 1 .755 .880 .516 3.245
RM2 .576
RM3 .571
RM4 .817
RM5 .795
RM6 .697
RM7 .774
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