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Factors Influencing Accounting Undergraduates’ Career Path: Evidence From Malaysia

Table 3:

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
b Std. Error b
(Constant) .318 .242 1.313 .190
Intrinsic Motivation .304 .051 .307 5.943 .000
Extrinsic Motivation .105 .055 .104 1.905 .058
Influence of Third Party .149 .041 .171 3.654 .000
Career Exposure .133 .064 .118 2.097 .037
Learning Experience .230 .063 .203 3.668 .000
R2 .444
Adjusted R2 .435
F-value 48.864 (p<.000)
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