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Factors Influencing Accounting Undergraduates’ Career Path: Evidence From Malaysia

Table 1:

Variable Author(s) Findings Hypotheses developed
Ahmed et al. (1997) Intrinsic factor has no influence on career choice
Intrinsic motivation Odia & Oqiedu (2013); Ng et al. (2017); Țicoi & Albu (2018); Srirejeki et al. (2019) Intrinsic motivation can positively affect students' career path H1: Intrinsic motivation influences career path.
Ahmad et al. (2015) Intrinsic factor is the most influential predictor of career choice
Extrinsic motivation Hejazi & Bazrafshan (2013); Tan & Laswad (2006), Țicoi & Albu (2018) Extrinsic motivation could influence career path H2: Extrinsic motivation influences career path.
Jackling & Keneley (2009) Extrinsic motivation influences career paths.
Porter & Woolley (2014) Intrinsic motivation had more effect on career choice as compared to extrinsict motivations
Dibabe et al. (2015); Ng et al. (2017); Srirejeki et al. (2019) Extrinsic motivation does not influence career path
Influence of third party (Subjective norm) Myburgh (2005); Tan & Laswad (2006); Byrne et al. (2012); Porter & Woolley (2014); Umar (2014); Solikhah (2014); Wen et al. (2015), Lukman & Juniati (2016) Third party’s influence affects accounting students' career path H3: Influence of third party influences career path.
Ahmed et al. (1997); Ng et al. (2017) Third party’s influence did not affect accounting students' career path
Career exposure Ahmed et al. (1997) Career exposure has no influence on career decision H4: Career exposure influences career path.
Said et al. (2004) Career exposure influenced students’ career choice
Ng et al. (2017) Career exposure is positively correlated with career path
Learning experience Baldwin & Howe (1982) No significant difference was found between overall performance and levels of previous accounting knowledge H5: Learning experience influences career path.
Keef (1992) There is statistical relationship between previous accounting education and the presentation in first year students
Ahmed et al. (1997) Prior learning experience has no influence on career choice.
Russell et al. (2000) Prolonged period to complete exams and work experience requirement discouraged students to pursue an accounting profession.
Sugahara et al. (2009) Students who had majored in accounting were CPA orientated
Year of study Marriott & Marriott (2003) Accounting undergraduates were found to have lower perceptions on accounting subjects towards the end of their study. H6: There is significant difference in career path across year of study.
Russell et al. (2000) Prolonged period to study discouraged students to pursue an accounting profession.
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