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Social Beliefs About Complaints In Interpersonal Communication And Subjective Pain 

Table 1:

Pain localizations Males Females Correlations with age Cronbach’s alphas for symptoms’ functions in communication
Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation
Abdominal pain 2.61 2.50 3.21 2.54 -.25** .90
Headache 3.54 2.73 3.79 2.73 -.11 .92
Joint pain 1.50 2.17 2.06 2.74 .19* .92
Back pain 2.21 2.48 3.38 3.09 .01 .92
Pain in arms and legs 1.68 2.18 1.80 2.39 .18 .90
Heartache 1.07 1.94 2.16 2.63 .14 .93
Pain the eyes 2.50 2.92 2.44 2.67 -.08 .91
Toothache 1.14 1.08 1.47 1.71 .06 .89
Sore throat 3.43 2.49 3.27 2.30 -.10 .91
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