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Corruption VS Entrepreneurship In Developing Countries

Table 1:

Variables Definition/Measurement Source
Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) 14 entrepreneurship pillars in 3 sub-indices attitudes, abilities and aspirations. GEDI ( 2017)
New business density (NBD) New registrations per 1,000 people aged between15-64. World Bank ( 2017c)
Education (EDU) Education expenditure as % of GNI. World Bank ( 2017a)
Investment (INV) Gross fixed capital formation (GCFC) as % of GDP. World Bank ( 2017a)
GDP per capita (GDP) GDP divided by midyear population. World Bank ( 2017a)
Trade (TRA) Trade as % of GDP. World Bank ( 2017a)
Unemployment (UEM) Total unemployment as % of total labor force. World Bank ( 2017a)
Corruption (COR) The modified score ranges from 0 (the best) to 5 (the worst) and reversed the measure by multiplying by -1. The recalculating formula: COR=SCORE*-1+2.5. World Bank ( 2017b)
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