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Factors Influencing The M-Payment Acceptance Among Young Professional In Malaysia

Table 3:

Model Unstandardized Coeff Standardized Coeff T Sig. Correlations Collinearity Statis
B Std. Error Beta Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) .42 .2940 1.44 .1530
PEOU -.01 .1000 -.008 -.11 .9140 .4970 -0.01 -0.005 0.44 2.29
PU .14 .1250 .111 1.11 .2680 .6550 0.09 0.056 0.25 3.99
ATT .54 .0850 .555 6.39 .0000 .7450 0.44 0.319 0.33 3.03
SN .04 .0680 .038 0.57 .5710 .5240 0.04 0.028 0.55 1.83
PBC .16 .0800 .139 1.995 .0480 .5530 0.15 0.100 0.52 1.94
2 (Constant) .30 .2960 1.01 .3150
PEOU -.02 .1010 -.015 -0.20 .8400 .4970 -0.02 -0.010 0.41 2.43
PU .08 .1250 .067 0.67 .5050 .6550 0.05 0.033 0.24 4.18
ATT .55 .0880 .562 6.21 .0000 .7450 0.44 0.303 0.29 3.43
SN .08 .0720 .075 1.05 .2940 .5240 0.08 0.051 0.47 2.13
PBC .22 .0830 .189 2.62 .0100 .5530 0.20 0.128 0.46 2.18
T*PEOU .04 .1270 .029 0.34 .7360 .1170 0.03 0.016 0.32 3.09
T*PU -.01 .1530 -.005 -0.04 .9680 .0390 -0.00 -0.002 0.18 5.48
T*ATT .20 .0900 .187 2.21 .0280 .0520 0.17 0.108 0.33 3.01
T*SN -.26 .0860 -.242 -3.06 .0030 .0220 -0.23 -0.150 0.38 2.62
T*PBC .06 .0800 .048 0.76 .4490 .0450 0.06 0.037 0.59 1.68
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