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Development Of The Law-Enforcement System In The Ural Region In 1917

Table 1:

Love for one’s people Love for one’s state Love for one’s family Love for one’s hometown, village, home Love for national culture, language, traditions “love for native ashes, love for fathers’ tombs” Love for all humanity, humanism Patriotism in conditions globalization is losing its significance
Men / women 115.8 126.2 142.7 139.2 106.9 93.6 129.2 67.5
Higher education / no higher education 118.3 130.6 124.8 100.4 114.2 97.5 84.9 88.1
City / countryside 114.8 121.0 99.2 136.1 112.6 108.1 102.6 -
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