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Methodological Tools For Assessing The Situation On The Russian Labor Market

Table 3:

Professional and qualifying groups Symbol Relative importance
Heads (representatives) of authorities and management at all levels, including heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises A 0.17
Highly qualified specialists B 0.11
Specialists of the mid-level qualification C 0.11
Employees involved in preparation of information, documentation, accounting and service D 0.11
Workers in the service sector, housing and communal services, trade and related activities E 0.06
Skilled workers in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fish farming and fishing F 0.16
Skilled workers of large and small industrial enterprises, art crafts, construction, transport, communications, geology and mineral exploration G 0.06
Operators, machine operators and fitters H 0.16
Unskilled workers I 0.06
Total: 1.00
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