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Food Security Of Russia: Risks And Threats

Table 1:

Threats to the provisionOf the country food security Food security threats hindering its thresholds Internal threats to national food security due to the adverse internal factors and conditions
Desire of economically developed countries to use their advantages in the level of economic development and high-tech solutions as a tool to strengthen global competition Low level of effective demand of a significant part of the population for food products, a decrease in their level of safety and the appearance of various risks deteriorating the health of citizens; Increase in consumer prices for food products or decrease in real incomes of the population, causing a decrease in food consumption or a change in the structure of the diet;
Use of discriminatory measures with regard to the key sectors of the national economy, limiting access to foreign financial resources and modern technologies
Exhaustion of the raw materials export model of economic development, a sharp decrease in the role of traditional factors of economic growth, associated with scientific and technological changes Persistent price disproportions in food markets on the one hand, and of the material and technical resources on the other; Restrictions on the physical and economic availability of the food for certain regions and territories, as well as population categories;
Increased fluctuations in world commodity and financial markets
Insufficient investment in the real sector of the economy due to an unfavorable investment climate, high business costs, excessive administrative barriers, ineffective protection of property rights Significant reduction in the national genetic resources of animals and plants; Weakening of the investment and innovative activity of economic entities, reducing the scientific and technical potential of the agricultural sector of the economy;
Weak innovation activity, lag in the development and implementation of new and emerging technologies, including digital technologies, insufficient qualifications and key competencies of national specialists Increasing shortage of qualified personnel;
Limited amount of the russian non-resource export associated with its low competitiveness, the underdeveloped market infrastructure and poor involvement in the world value-added chains Underdeveloped infrastructure of the internal and logistic support of the agri-food market and its individual product segments; Increase in the total accounts payable of business entities in excess of their revenue;
Low rates of economic growth due to internal reasons, including limited access to long-term financial resources, and the lack of development of transport and energy infrastructure Widening gap in the living standards of the urban and rural population, deterioration of the demographic situation in rural areas and the loss of rural continuity; Decrease in the production and export potential of the agricultural sector of the economy and especially its basic industry – the agriculture;
Imbalance of the national budget system
Insufficient public administration
High level of criminalization and corruption in the economic sphere, as well as maintaining a significant share of the shadow economy Lack of competitiveness of many domestic producers of agricultural goods, raw materials and food in the domestic and foreign agro-food markets; Strengthening of the import dependence by the main types of food products, agricultural raw materials and means of production;
Increased population differentiation by income
Decrease in the quality and accessibility of education, medical care and, as a result, a drop in the quality of human potential Slowdown in the pace of structural and technological modernization and innovative development of the agro-industry and fisheries industry, their weak investment activity. Decrease in the competitiveness of domestic food products and agricultural raw materials in the domestic and foreign agro-food markets.
Uneven spatial development of the russian federation, increased differentiation of regions and municipalities in terms of the level and pace of the socio-economic development
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