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Methodological Approaches To Forming Development Strategy For Service Logistics In Road Construction

Table 1:

Main elements Content and types
The core of the logical structure of road construction activities
Purpose The main goals of the implementation of road construction activities. Quantitative (increase in the number of construction, repair, operation and maintenance of road construction objects; maximization of profit; increase in market share, etc.). High-quality (tender activity, PPP, effective cooperation with contractors, etc.).
Strategy Formation of own road-building strategy or selection of an existing road-building strategy (lean, dynamic, minimizing the overall logistics costs, improving the quality of the logistics service, minimizing investments in logistics infrastructure, logistics outsourcing, etc.).
Subject Service logistics divisions and departments of road-building enterprises, specialized service logistics intermediaries, intermediaries with a full cycle of logistics service maintenance, etc.
Object Consumer of logistics services (individuals, legal entities), inventory items of the road construction industry.
Subject (products, work, services, service) Logistic services, additional logistics services, integrated logistics services for road construction processes.
Methods Methods of organizing road-building processes (sequential, parallel, in-line, etc.) and their logistics component.
Ways to carry out activities Independent organization and implementation of logistics service activities, logistics service outsourcing, service of logistics operators, etc.
Means Digital means of logistic service, technical means of logistic service, technological means of logistic service, labor, information, organizational, financial, etc.
Processes Aimed at the field of logistics of road construction: providing, functional, operational.By nature: managerial, coordinating, controlling, optimizing, etc.
Logistic optimization direction Reducing construction time, minimizing the duration of road construction works, minimizing the timing of certain types of work, minimizing the construction cost of a road facility, minimizing the cost of operating and maintaining a road facility, maximizing labor productivity, increasing the quality level of road building work, monitoring and controlling the implementation of road -building processes and other areas of logistics optimization.
Result Ready-made road construction facility that meets the stated requirements, with optimized logistic parameters.
Assessment Assessment of the logistics service provided.
Temporary structure of road construction activities
Stages of road construction activity The initial, main, final stages of road construction activities.
Steps of road construction activities Designing the organization of road construction activities, the direct implementation of road construction works.
Characteristics of road construction activities
Features of the organizing activities Features of the organization of the construction of road facilities; repair and reconstruction of road facilities; maintenance and operation of road facilities, roadside territories, and organization of roadside service.
Terms of implementation State, corporate, PPP, economic, financial, labor, information, etc.
Standards and requirements for road construction activities Normative legal acts regulating road construction activities, standards, Construction Norms and Regulations, contracts, rules, labor protection requirements, safety requirements, environmental standards etc.
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