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Digitalization Of Agricultural Sector: Outlook In Russia

Table 1:

Indicator Years
Share of data on agricultural resource facilities included in the "Digital Agriculture " digital platform, %: 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Agricultural land (of the total area of agricultural land) 50 75 90 100 100 100
Working and productive livestock (from the total number of livestock in the category) 25 35 50 75 90 100
Farm machinery (the total number of units) 45 60 75 90 100 100
Growth rate of labor productivity (for enterprises that have introduced digital agricultural solutions), % 105 125 150 175 190 200
Ratio investment in digital products and technology of the total investment, %Including that in domestic development, % 10.5 31.5 75 107 1510 2520
Share of SMART contracts with recipients of subsidies, % 5 25 50 75 100 100
Share of regions that have implemented planning based on the Digital Agriculture platform, % 0 6 29 59 100 100
Share of material costs in the cost of production (for enterprises that have introduced digital agricultural solutions), % of the cost 60 55 50 47 45 43
Share of specialists in the field of the digital economy, % (of the total number of specialists, on an accrual basis), % 10 15 20 30 40 50
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