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Social Vulnerability Changes and Sustainable Development in The Flooded Industrial Complex Area

Table 8:

1. Unable to identify the data source.
>>The project team was able to identify the appropriate agency or organization as a source of information or an alternative source of information.
2. The website or database of government agencies was down or inaccessible.
>>The project team was able to obtain the information directly from the government agency if the data was not available online – in some cases obtaining the data by the direct way was preferred because the quality and level of data were trustworthy.
3. The collected data was outdated.
>>Liaising directly with the agency or alternative agency meant that up-to-date and better quality data was available.
4. Some data was highly classified and non-sharable for public use.
>>The classified data was obtainable by following the official channel of data request.
5. The collected data did not satisfy the requirement, for example, no data at the sub-district level, no record of gender, etc.
>>The ADPC team was able to map out and engage additional or alternative agencies from whom information could be obtained.
6. Raw data was not summarized for the number of genders or classified into the sub-district level.
>>Explored a new tool/software to be used for data collection.
7. Some raw data was less user-friendly for a new user. For example, GIS data.
>>The research team was able to adapt the information into a useable format.
8. Documents sent via post were lost.
>>The information was obtained by utilizing alternative modes of collection.
9. Poor fax and telephone signals.
>>The data was obtained by utilizing various modes of contact and making visits to the agency where necessary.
10. There was a change of person-in-charge and no hand over among them or missing documents.
>>The data was obtained by being proactive in identifying an alternative focal person from who to coordinate with at respective agencies.
11. Time consumption of getting data after sending official requirement, for example, it took 2-5 days in response from one agency.
>>Plan in advance for future assignments; refer to the mapping of agencies undertaken for this exploratory survey for undertaking further similar studies in the future.
12. No data was available from secondary data sources.
>> Removed the variables from the table and made a note in the gap of available data to inform possible primary data collection in the future.
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