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Social Vulnerability Changes and Sustainable Development in The Flooded Industrial Complex Area

Table 3:

Variables PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 Contribution of Variables (0-1)
Population density -0.95309 -0.16229 0.18824 0.97016
Factory area density -0.06402 -0.23953 0.62692 0.45450
Child pop. density0-5 years old -0.90067 -0.25693 0.26167 0.94568
Elderly pop. density60 years old and over -0.96623 0.04164 0.07206 0.94053
Household income poverty (under 38,000 p.a.) -0.21299 -0.19044 -0.80170 0.72435
Disable pop. density -0.91305 0.23882 -0.19010 0.92683
Non-Thai (from Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia) pop. density -0.52930 -0.11391 0.79111 0.91899
(H) Road density 0.83255 -0.30688 0.12053 0.80184
(S) Volunteer pop. density(Health + DDPM) 0.04555 -0.97872 0.05935 0.96350
(S) School teachers pop. density (Kindergarten-Secondary <Public/Private/Vocational>) 0.04555 -0.97872 0.05935 0.96350
Proportion of Variance (PV) 45.13740 22.67709 18.28406
Cumulative PV 45.13740 67.81450 86.09856
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