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Relevance Of Using Visual Profiling In Present-Day Educational Environment

Table 3:

Requirements for professionally important qualities of a teacher (in the framework of a professional standard) Requirements for professionally important qualities of a police officer (in the framework of a professional selection)
The need for knowledge, the ability to learn, constantly improve professional skills The level of general intellectual development, the ability to logical reasoning and conclusions and a clear presentation of information in oral and written forms
Emotional stability, poise, control of one’s behavior and external manifestations of emotions, emotional maturity
Willingness to change, mobility, ability to reflect, knowledge of conflict resolution methods The level of volitional regulation of behavior, endurance, courage, determination, perseverance, determination, performance
Responsibility Internal organization, diligence, discipline, responsibility for the assigned work
Command of certain psychological and pedagogical competencies The level of legal awareness and internal convictions, honesty, integrity, adherence to public moral standards
Independence in decision making Maturity of the individual, the ability to take responsibility for one’s own decisions, actions and deeds, the ability to determine priorities and consistency in solving problems, independence, self-confidence, self-criticism
Adequate self-esteem, intrinsic motivation for activity
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