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Where Can Adolescents Find An "Island Of Peace" In High School?

Table 1:

Five major generations in modern Western society
The founding generationWisdom generationTraditionalist builders Born in the mid-1920s to the mid-1940s
Baby boomers generationBoomer generation / Baby boomers Born in the mid-1940s and up to the early 1960s
X Generation Born in the mid-1960s and early 1980s
Y Generation From 1980 the generations began to relate to the technological age. The first generation was named the "Millennial Generation" and grew up in a world dominated by the Internet Born in the early 1980s and until the end of the 1990s 
Z GenerationThis is the generation of Google, new learners, digital generation, plasma generation, youth screens, V generation  Born in the late 1990s to mid-2010s  
Alpha Generation Born in 2010 and after
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