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The Development Of An Internal Audit System For Personnel Settlements

Table 2:

Inventory Estimated annual performance liability Estimated liabilities for forthcoming holiday payments to employees
Carrying out term 1. As at 31 December2. In the month of actual payment of remuneration As at 31 December
The used information Accounting data and information submitted by employees of the Company's planning and economic service. The Personnel Accounting Specialist forms and reconciles data on the number of unused days of holiday of employees as a whole for the Company on the last day of the reporting month in the corporate information system (CIS). The reconciled data are transmitted to the Calculator automatically. The payer performs a payroll procedure to estimate the unused holiday days of the employees on average earnings in order to form an estimated holiday liability.
Control actions Check of accuracy of calculation and validity of the value of recognized estimated obligation by comparison of accounting data with data on planned amount of annual remuneration costs submitted by employees of the Company's planning and economic service. Validation of the calculation justifying the total amount of the recognized estimated obligation for the Company based on the calculation methodology applied in the Company.
Documentary registration Forms approved by the Company's local regulatory documents regulating the forms of the primary documents shall be used for registration of the results of the inventory carried out by the Company.
- Assessment Liability Inventory Certificate Form № Inventory Act-1 (estimated liabilities)- Appendix 1 to Inventory Act-1 (estimated liabilities) "Verification of calculation of estimated liabilities for remuneration payments." - Assessment Liability Inventory Certificate Form № Inventory Act-1 (estimated liabilities)- Appendix 3 to Inventory Act-1 (estimated liabilities) "Check of calculation of estimated liabilities for leave payment."
Result of inventory The amount of the valuation obligation may be:- Increased if information is available to clarify the value of the assessment obligation;- Reduced if information is available to clarify the value of the assessment obligation;- Transferred to the following valuation obligations in the course of payment of homogeneous valuation obligations;- Remain unchanged;- - Written off in whole or in part to other income upon termination of the terms of recognition of the valuation obligation or the identification of excessive accrued amounts of the liability.
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