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Sourcing Based Methods Of Warehouse Services Development In The Petrochemical Enterprises Procurement

Table 1:

Indicator Method of KPI calculation Target KPI value
1. Timeliness of the warehouse operator services, % K T i m e = i = 1 n Q T i m e i = 1 n Q T o t a l * 100 % Q T i m e – volume of each provided service type within the specified time frame; Q T o t a l – total volume of provided services;n – number of provided service types 100%
2. Completeness of the warehouse operator services, % K C o m p l = i = 1 n Q C o m p l i = 1 n Q P l a n * 100 % Q C o m p l – volume of each type services actually provided; Q P l a n – planned volume of each type services provided (volume of services under the contract);n – number of provided service types 100%
3. The customer satisfaction level with the warehouse operator services quality S L = i = 1 n ( S L i a c t u a l - S L i e x p e c t ) n S L i a c t u a l – actual satisfaction level with the service; S L i e x p e c t – expected satisfaction level with the service;n – number of criteria. ≥ 0
4. Cost-effective provision of services by the warehouse operator K e f f e c t i v e = i = 1 n C a c t u a l i = 1 n C p l a n n e d * 100 % ,где C a c t u a l – actual costs for each service type; C p l a n n e d – planned costs for each service type (the amount of planned funding);n – number of provided service types ≤ 100%
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