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Strategic Management Of The Enterprise Under The Conditions Of Economy Digitalization

Table 1:

Uncertainty level Features Eventual type of strategy Techniques in operation
1 level Insignificant uncertainty (a predictable situation) Alternative options of possible strategies + basic forecast Market research, value chains, Porter strategies, and cash flow analysis (NPV)
2 level Moderate uncertainty that allows to develop an alternative scenario Development of several behaviour lines with a clear distinction of change points between them Scenario analysis, highlighting key success factors, stochastic modeling, financial modeling, and building a decision tree or "flywheel" of decisions
3 level High uncertainty that concerns not only variant actions but also development directions Working out the "strategies field" with the analysis of boundary scenarios, favorable and desirable scenarios, as well as actions that increase their probability Scenario and simulation modeling, corporations re-engineering in order to increase flexibility and mobility, competitive analysis based on fuzzy logic, and use of options theory methods.
4 level Totally uncertain situation The strategy is aimed at forming an adaptive corporation (using the concept of shell companies) Organization design of flexible mobile structures, project management methods, and risk management
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