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Methodological Basis Development For Training Provider Choice: Experience Of Russian Practice

Table 4:

Сompetencies Questions, validation tool
Professional competencies Motivation of others 1. What is your approach to providing feedback to the employee on the results of their work?2. How do you motivate participants to participate more actively in the training?
Presentation skills 1. How do you determine what you need to talk about in a presentation?
Group management skills 1. One of the participants constantly «leads away» from the topic. Your actions?2. The hyperreactivity of one of the participants interferes with the whole group. Your actions?
Ability to provide information What do you do to ensure that everyone understands correctly what you said and / or wrote?
Persuasion 1. Why do some people like to chat with new people, while others prefer a constant circle of friends?2. What will be the difference in the conviction of a person for whom the process is more important and for which the result is more significant?3. If your idea is not accepted, what will you do?
Listening skills What should a good negotiator do - talk more or listen more? Why?
Ability to work for the result 1. What is the most important thing in your work (process or result)? How is the trainer's performance evaluated?
Personal characteristics Adaptability Tell us about the situation when you had to change the style of communication to adapt to different audiences?
Politeness What does correct communication with a training participant mean?
Creativity In your opinion, is a creative approach to business mandatory in your profession? Justify your answer?
Self-control In what situation is a person more effective: under stress or in a calm working situation? Is multitasking and time pressure good or bad for productivity?
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