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Cyberloafing As A Trait Of A New Generation: Exploring Perception Of Teenagers

Table 1:

Scale Created by Lim (2002), developed by Blanchard and Henle (2008) Scale modified by Sivrikova N.V. (2019)
Items Factor*Load Items Factor**Load
Check non-work email at work 0.769 Check non-work (non- learn) email at work (learn) 0.76
Visit news sites at work 0.459 Visit new sites while studying or at work 0.864
Send non-work email at work 0.757 Send non-work (non- learn) email at work (learn) 0.869
Visit social media sites at work (facebook, twitter, etc.) 0.684 Visit social media sites at work (facebook, twitter, VK etc.) 0.873
Check my personal information at work 0.8 Send non-work text through messaging systems (Viber, WhatsApp, etc.) 0.759
Visit sports sites at work 0.611 Visit my favorite sites while studying or at work 0.863
Shop online at work 0.646 Shop online at work or while studying 0.85
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