Motivation Of Professional Pedagogical Activity As A Factor Of The Regional Development


The article features the results of a research into the level of motivation and distinguishing characteristics of motivation for professional pedagogical educational activities among the students and young teachers. It also shows how professional teacher training influences the sustainable development of the region. The array of psycho-diagnostic methods pointed out substantial differences in motivation when choosing a career path between full-time and extramural students, the correlation between the students’ external and internal motivation, the specifics of realizing their cognitive motives and predicting their professional future. During the study of motivation for education among the refresher courses participants, it was found that 40% of young teachers participated in the courses on their own initiative, while 100% of teachers having a 10-year teaching experience or attend the courses under orders of the educational institution management or in connection with the forthcoming certification. An evident increase in young teachers’ activity relating to their own professional development not only illustrates the possibility of their successful adaptation to the profession but also proves their successful professional self-realization and professional self-development. The conclusions presented in the article determine the need for developing new methods and techniques of professional pedagogical training including the entire spectrum of motivation-forming factors as well as new training programs for teachers.

Keywords: Sustainable developmentmotivationchoice of profession


The sustainable development of Russia is due to the balanced social and economic development of the regions. Choosing the spatial development strategy along with the non-material material resources including the quality of educational system treated as one of the conditions for innovative economic development are also considered (Andreev, 2013).

According to Transforming our world , one of the priority objectives is the provision of inclusive and equitable quality education and the encouragement of lifelong learning opportunities for all the people. Significant increase in the number of qualified teachers is one of the indicators illustrating successful achieving the goal (United Nation, 2017).

The system of the continuous individualized education as a mechanism of social development is aimed at the most efficient use of human potential and the creation of conditions for the citizens' self-realization during their life span. High-quality professional training and retraining provide conditions for the Russian innovative economy into the world's economy. Additionally, according to the report by the Council of the European Union on the implementation of the Strategic Framework for European cooperation in education and professional training, the interest in the teacher's career is in decline (European Commission, 2015).

The Concept of the Federal Education Development target program for 2016-2020 provides the integral assessment of the problem in Russia (Koncepciya Federal'no", 2014). A large number of teachers around the retirement age still remain in their jobs, while only 40% of the pedagogical college graduates decide on working at schools. In certain subjects of the Russian Federation only one sixth of young teachers remain working in the education system. Thus, one of the key problems in the Republic of Karelia is a distinct age imbalance in general education: teachers of the retirement age make up more than 34% (with the retirement age of 50, which is significantly lower than the retirement age in Russia in average. The renewal of the Teacher Corps proceeds at a slow pace. As for Karelia, teachers under the age of 30 make up 13%, which is comparable to their average percentage in Russia (Gosudarstvennaya programma, 2014).

The creation of conscious and sustained motivation for professional choice and keeping young teachers in their jobs is a relevant issue for the region. Its successful solution will allow ensuring a quality education substantially

Problem Statement

Measurement and evaluation of sustainable development in the systems of different levels is performed using specially developed indicators. Education Index constitutes an integrated indicator measuring a nation’s achievements in receiving certain educational levels by its population according to the following criteria: 1) Education Index of adult population (two thirds of the value); 2) Index of gross enrolment ratio used to determine the number of students enrolled in school at several different grade levels such as primary, secondary and higher education (one third of the value). According to Chasanova (2015), the indicator, considered as a rather universal one, has a number of limitations. In particular, it does not reflect the quality of education, its availability, the differences in age requirements and the length of schooling and so on. In our opinion, a significant impact on educational level is determined by the resilience of the educational community or its attitude towards the profession, the motivation for its choice and remaining in the profession. In the context the teacher is supposed to meet quite high-level requirements. The teaching professional is supposed to show cultural activity patterns, initiate children’s trial actions, consult children and correct their steps, and seek ways to involve each school student in the teaching and learning activities. The teacher referred to as a mentor is supposed to create the environment in which children might gain life experience (communication, making choices, responsible behavior, self-control…), develop their own scale of life values, be “co-workers” or “arbitrators”. As for pedagogical support, the teacher is supposed to support each school student individually helping them to overcome all the difficulties instead of just getting rid of them, etc.

The teacher is to be a true master, be fluent at the developing of the teaching and learning activities, be able to arrange their school students’ work, be good at the assessment, be qualified enough to deal with computer science both as a common user and a designer and an expert in learning resources. The teacher is supposed to “see” their students’ diversity, consider their students’ individual and personality traits, including addressing the needs of gifted children, children with deviant behavior, disabled children, retarded children etc. In addition, the teacher is supposed to develop the psychologically comfort environment improving it using healthy technologies, providing help to young people on their way of pursuing their professional career, etc.

Definitely, it is not simple or easy to meet all the requirements and that is the reason why a teacher upgrades their skills throughout all their professional life. Motivation for professional educational work is not only significant for a teacher’s personal advancement but as well for the development of education, professional development and the sustainable development of the region

Research Questions

3.1 . What is the motivational basis of educational activity of students of full-time and correspondence departments of pedagogical specialties?

3.2. What are the leading motives for professional development of young teachers?

3.3. What is the motivation of professional pedagogical activity and sustainable development of the region?

Purpose of the Study

The aim of the research is to study the features of motivation of educational activity of students of pedagogical faculties, motivation of professional pedagogical activity of young teachers, its influence on sustainable development of the region.

Research Methods

The methodological basis of the research is the cultural, axiological approaches to the study of the need-motivational sphere of teachers.


The scientific interest of cultural approach supporters is aimed at studying the characteristics of the contemporary cultural and educational situation and a person’s cultural background as a core component of their personal integrity. Bondarevskaya (2013) emphasizes that quality of educational activities in pedagogical colleges launches the development processes and transforms them into the processes of students’ self-development, self-organization, self-modernization as well as the process of their education and training.

As part of learner-centered education, educational activity is considered as a set of the education system characteristics determining its ability to meet the current and potential demands of the individual and the society. A person’s educational activity is focused on their practical and cognitive transformation. Subjectivity as a qualitative characteristic of a person's look at the world and themselves lies at the heart of the activity (Gorshkova & Pisanko, 2017).

In the context of our study, features of educational activity described in the book by RAO academician Novikov (2010) are of special importance. Firstly, the orientation of the subject’s educational activity "towards themselves" and towards achieving the "inner" result when students gain new experience in the form of knowledge, abilities and skills developing their intelligence, building valuable relationships, etc.; secondly, the innovative and productive nature of the educational activities when the student gain new life experience; thirdly, the educational activities of adults, usually deliberately aimed at solving specific problems they face in everyday life and at the independent development of life experience such as self-education, including adopting good manners and social skills, self-learning, and self-development (Novikov, 2010, p.89).

The result of the students’ educational activity achieves a high intensity motivation level for education. The educational motivation level is determined by the dominant group of motives for educational activity and the degree of involvement of the student in its realization. The students’ educational activity is multi-motivated and is stimulated by not one but a whole system of various motives that make up a specific hierarchical structure.

When young people go to college at a certain age, their personality maturation is completed, their worldview is developed, their values and attitude to different things are shaped, and then their professional development begins, which is performed as part of educational and professional activities. The professional’s personality develops, above all, due to the building of the system including their needs and motives. The formation of the professional-pedagogical orientation manifested by the students’ positive attitude to the teaching profession and the desire to choose the profession is determined by such objective factors as a teacher’s social position, the organization of the educational process at college and such subjective factors as the person’s needs, values, and mindset or, in other words, motivational components (Bakshaeva & Verbitsky, 2006).

In contemporary educational psychology it is a fact that the basis for the students’ effective training is a reliance on individual variations of motivation and the ability to learn as well as finding the means for their development and correction, while keeping in mind the individuality and uniqueness of the need-motivational sphere (Markova, 2009). The college students’ motivational structure is composed of motives for learning and motives for achieving success.

Three groups of motives for learning are typical of college students:

1. in the past (the dominant motives for entering college);

2. in the present (currently active motives for educational activity);

3. in the future (professional motives) (Pakulina, 2008).

Many studies show that the leading motives for learning typical of college students are "professional" and "cognitive" ones. At the same time, they find "Pragmatic" motives (getting a diploma) and motives for "personal prestige" less important. Nevertheless, certain motives might dominate depending on the year of education. The success of education mostly depends on "professional" and "cognitive" motives.

Understanding the motivational basis of students’educational activity is vital to teachers in order to organize the educational process properly. Apart from studying students' motives for learning, looking into their motives for choosing the direction for their professional training can also be of certain interest.

At present, various educational communities and conferences point to the decline in the overall motivation for studying among college students, the limiting of professional prospects as well as the minimization of students' interests and activities. We set a goal to explore the educational activity motivation features typical of students at pedagogical faculties, the hierarchical structure of the future teachers’ motivational system, and the personal meanings attached to acquiring the profession of a teacher.

150 students took part in the study, 42 of them were extramural students and the rest 108 people were full-time students. All the students are sophomores or third-year students at the Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU) acquiring teaching professions in foreign languages, biology, geography and a primary school teacher profession. The vast majority of the respondents were female students (110 people), so the gender factor is not considered at the current stage of the study when processing and analyzing the results.

To achieve the set goal the following psychodiagnostic methods were used: free conversation method, testing method (method of determining the main motives for the choice of profession by Pavlyutenkova, a technique of studying the motivation for going to college by Ilina, diagnostical training exercises (career-oriented exercise Constructing the world , The Press Conference in 10 years exercise). Student's t-test was used for the mathematical processing of the data.

In addition to testing, we decided on prioritizing the free conversation techniques and socio-psychological exercises as that kind of interaction allowed us to clarify some important issues, to cover the topics in-depth, and to create more private atmosphere. During the conversations with the students several topics were covered. They were: changes in the studying perception at college; motives for choosing the profession, the faculty, the college; subjective assessment of academic achievements, personal significance of the current educational activities. The data obtained from the interviews with the students was evaluated to qualitative analysis.

The extramural students, compared to the full-time students (p <0,01), shifted their views of learning at college. The mastery of the teaching profession is seen now as a less energy-intensive, lacking in initiative and almost undirected process than it was expected prior to entering the higher educational institution. Extramural students place the blame for their frustrations on the quality of teaching and lectures and professors’ personal traits. They consider themselves to be personally invested in the future profession, carrying out all the necessary stated requirements for the training, but feel that the professional environment is not interested in them as professionals.

The Interviews allow clarifing that the choice of profession among the extramural students was affected by two main factors: the requirements of the work environment (75% of the respondents) and their own personal interest (25%), as proven by the acquired data. The results of the processed test data indicate that for the extramural students the leading motives for choosing the profession are the social and aesthetic motives, i.e. the desire for personal development and social and professional stability. It is interesting to note that the described respondents are not sure of the prestige of the acquired profession, though they can consciously, clearly and in full detail imagine themselves realized in the profession in the future, and can also easily describe the place of work, the possible achievements and gained skills.

The processed results of Pavlyutenkova's and Ilina's techniques allow asserting that for the vast majority (p <0,01) of the full-time students the cognitive motive remains the leading educational motive. However, a comprehensive analysis of the data obtained in the study revealed the ratio of the students’ internal and external motivation and the specifics of realizing the cognitive motive.

Learning interests of college students are very selective, they often take the responsibility to choose which subjects are more important for the development of their professional competence, what kinds of training activities deserve putting in extra effort. The vast majority of full-time students (p <0,01) are weakly motivated by the profession of a teacher. They acquire competencies not for the successful realization of a specific profession, but for themselves as competitive players on the prestigious labor market. Studying at "teacher" faculties, getting a diploma in teaching from the prestigious college provide certain opportunities for realizing oneself or starting adaptation to the profession. Both student responsiveness and good education lead to further social activity. Integrated into the social structure of the society, the student community shows their aspiration for personal and professional identity, creativity, involvement into socio-economic and cultural reforms. It is worth noting that global acceleration and extensive accumulation of new information and communication products surge the demand for specialists who would be knowledgeable, broad-minded, flexible, capable of adapting their occupational fields to market needs and to the necessity to change their personal or professional preferences, who would be skilled at dealing with information and knowledge, adopting high-tech products to achieve their life goals. Therefore, modern workers should continuously enhance quality, their personal and professional skills (Razinkina et al., 2018). We consider it interesting to add that the very system of college education, teaching traditions, the requirements for teachers, the content of education are characterized positively by full-time students, moreover, in contrast to the extramural students, they say that getting their education in reality turned out to be more interesting, fulfilling, problem-oriented than they had expected before going to college.

Full-time students' image of their professional future is quite ambiguous, the expectations for their future profession are very vague, their ambitions for professional realization do not correspond with their current achievements and efforts. They tend to interpret learning difficulties, poor results and lacking academic achievements from the internal point of view (their own laziness, lack of initiative, low activity) as opposed to extramural students (Dementieva, Kudryavtseva, & Proshutinsky, 2016). That is also proved by our research into the students' determination to continue teacher education data. The majority of the respondents (over 50%) do not consider teacher education as a priority value with personal meaning; continuing teacher education or receiving additional training are outside their plans. Nevertheless, around 35% of the students consider applying for a master's degree quite possible and are ready to work as teachers and participate in seminars and conferences dealing with different trends in teacher education (Bogdanova, 2015). For them as well as for novice teachers nothing but educational activities become one of the major ways of professional self-determination and development.

The study also entailed analyzing the motivation for learning of young teachers who attended the refresher courses and had up to 5-year teaching experience. Young teachers (under 30 years) make up 12.3% of the Russian teaching corps while the percentage of novice teachers (under 25 years) recently graduated from Russian higher educational institutions is only 4.7%. Note that the percentage of young teachers in the training courses audience ranged from 16 to 20% over the years from 2013 to 2016. The gender composition of respondents reflects the overall women-to-men ratio in the teaching profession which is 6:1. According to the results of the international comparative study of the teaching corps on teaching and learning, the percentage of women among Russian teachers is 85% (Efimova, 2013; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2013). However, the ratio of women and men among young teachers who attended refresher courses and had up to 5-year teaching experience is significantly different and ranges from 3:1 to 2:1 in 2015-2018. Undoubtedly, such drastic differences are driven by a number of objective factors. Firstly, they are significant changes in Russian education, including those relating to raising the level of workers' wages, transition to effecient teacher standards, modernization of teacher education, introduction of professional standards positively impacting the social status of teachers. Secondly, the demand for teachers is important for the labor market. Thirdly, relatively big opportunities for potential career development still remain in the education sphere. That makes the teaching profession attractive to young people in general and young men in particular (Gorelikova & Sergina, 2013). In the core of the management education, the employers put the competence to solve the specific problems in an unexpected context and to seek new solutions within the standard circumstances. The innovative and creative competences play a significant role for the up-to-date management skills. The academic institutions’ role is changed from transfer of information to the creation of the competences of life-long learning, the ability to refuse old methods of solving tasks and to invent or adapt new solutions, to bear risks and to take responsibility for the decisions made and to anticipate the consequences (Alexankov, Trostinskaya, & Pokrovskaia, 2018).

During the study of motivation for education among the refresher courses participants, it was found that 40% of young teachers participated in the courses on their own initiative, while 100% of teachers having a 10-year teaching experience or attend the courses under orders of the educational institution management or in connection with the forthcoming certification. What are the younger teachers’ motives for educational activity? For female teachers, the most important motives are social and moral: the ability and desire to get approval ("motivation approval"); responsibility for the results of activities to themselves; the habit of doing anything well; the desire for professional and personal self-realization: the desire to fully Express themselves, to be a master teacher; desire; unwillingness to lose prestige in the eyes of colleagues and managers. For male teachers – social and economic motives: the desire for professional and personal self-realization; the desire for independence, the desire to fully Express themselves, to be a master teacher; responsibility for their own skills, independence, self-educational activity, self-management; the desire for self-affirmation and status, and the desire for self-expression and creative work", "the opportunity to engage in scientific work. For both groups were significant motives for career growth and high earnings. Please note that the motives for the choice of subjects and venue of training courses for female teachers and male teachers do not coincide. So, for male teachers the most important are the content of the courses, the prestige of the University where they are organized, for women – the opportunity to satisfy their own professional interests. The main factors influencing the choice of the university based on various target groups surveys (students, employees of educational structures, employers and potential clients) are: experience and experience in the field of education; fame in professional circles and among the public; the reputation of the head of the organization, the professionalism of management; prospects for the professional development of the educational institution; the demand for graduates in the labour market, the level of their salaries, career advancement; the attitude of the organization's employees to the students; level of professionalism, fame of teachers, their exactingness and other (Leontieva & Ababkova, 2018). Training in refresher courses is quite lengthy. Keeping in mind the possibility of changes in learning motivation, the authors carried out an intermediate survey of young teachers. Note that the most significant motive for the teachers, both male and female, turned out to be the motive for acquiring substantial and solid knowledge. As for motives for getting approval and gaining prestige among colleagues, the male teachers did not consider them important whereas the female teachers deemed them significant.

Both male and female teachers consider the empowerment of their professional opportunities as their training result. Note that in the result of training both male and female teachers expected similar positive changes in the professional field; significant differences could be observed in higher expectations of stability and the possibility of pursuing a scientific career which are postgraduate studies (for men) and the possibility of obtaining an interesting high-paying job (for women).

The study of the motivation for educational activity shown by refresher courses attendees, both male and female was conducted over three years. It illustrates a certain increase of self-educational activities among young teachers and their desire for professional and personal self-realization and career development. No significant differences in the motivations of male and female teachers were found, however, social and moral motives, approval motives, and motives for gaining a certain status predominated among female teachers whereas socio-economic motives and expectations of stability prevailed among male teachers.

An evident increase in young teachers’ activity relating to their own professional development not only illustrates the possibility of their successful adaptation to the profession but also proves their successful professional self-realization and professional self-development. Motivated young teachers take part in public campaigns, social development projects and are engaged in the administration of social and economic development of both the departments and the region in whole more willingly. They nominate themselves for taking part in contests dealing with positions in government agencies and are members of community boards, panels of experts, etc. For example, 20% of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Karelia deputies and 23% of the Petrozavodsk city council are not only teachers by profession but have professional experience in the sphere of education as well.

In the context of the education modernization process teachers’ advanced training has to become regular and be carried out at least once every three years, it is noteworthy that novice teachers in this regard take an active part in the process : for instance, the ratio of young teacher’ learning hours and the learning hours of teachers having at least 20-year teaching experience is two to one (according to absolute figures which are 72 to 36 hours a year). In our opinion, research works provided by novice teachers are focused on such topical subjects as, The process approach in management of innovative teachers’ activity , Marketing activity in educational organizations . Here are the examples of research work topics chosen by teachers having over 20-year teaching experience. They are: The arrangement of training activities for schoolchildren in groups with replaceable structure , Delegation of powers in school management , The arrangement of out-of-school activities for students (in the subject) . Undoubtedly, the topics covered by young teachers look attractive and contribute to the regional education system development. The teachers successfully completing retraining courses and defending their research works make the Rapid Deployment Roster of school heads. Their professional development is supported both by the city council and the Teachers’ Union, which contributes to the regional sustainable development.


The sustainability of pedagogical community: attitude towards the profession, the motivation for its choice and remaining in the profession has a major impact on quality education provision as a priority goal of sustainable development;

According to the policy documents and special studies, it was revealed that there is a continued outflow of young professionals in the Russian Federation and the EU education systems which indicates a low level of the motivation for professional educational activity;

Improving the quality of teacher training is related to the introduction of new models of educational activities aimed at the person as a subject of a life, culture, society, a competent professional, striving for self-development and self-modernization;

For extramural students the leading motives for choosing the teacher profession are the social and aesthetic ones, i.e. the desire for personal development and social and professional stability, while for full-time students it is cognitive motivation and the desire to be accomplished in various professional fields;

Full-time students’ personal meaning of educational activity is expressed through their development of the professional competences that contributes to the overall success of the generalist in the labor market, and vice versa, extramural students are motivated by the development of specific professional teaching competences;

A low motivation level and low intensity of educational activity performed by students majoring in teaching are linked to selective educational interests, internal position in the learning process, uncertainty in the prestige of the acquired profession, the desire to place the responsibility on others, and others factors, which suggest the future development and implementation of new methods and technologies integrating the whole range of factors of the motivation development;

Young professionals find professional pedgogical activities attractive. For female teachers the most significant motives are social and moral ones and for male teachers they are social and economic ones. There is the desire for professional and personal self-realization and career development, which serves as proof of the teacher training programs efficiency significantly contributing to the sustainable development of the regional education system.


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02 December 2019

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Bogdanova, N., & Sergina*, E. (2019). Motivation Of Professional Pedagogical Activity As A Factor Of The Regional Development. In N. I. Almazova, A. V. Rubtsova, & D. S. Bylieva (Eds.), Professional Сulture of the Specialist of the Future, vol 73. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 153-163). Future Academy.