Methods |
Tools |
Internal environment |
External environment |
Electronic environment |
Exporter support |
Information and consulting infrastructure. Promotion of export activities. Decrease in expenses for entering foreign markets |
Unified register of exporters. Business support in establishing contacts with foreign partners |
Electronic export support. Support of remote export services. Consulting services in the field of electronic export |
International education and research |
International educational programs in universities. Development and support of export research. Labor market development in the field of export activities |
International cooperation of universities. International congress events for export activities |
E-market and E-commerce research. Training exporters in the basics of e-commerce and positioning |
Integration and interregional interaction |
PPP. Unified regional export network (association of manufacturers and intermediaries). Intersectoral collaboration. Interregional cooperation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation |
Strategic partnerships between government and business in various countries. Departmental interaction (General Consulate, etc.). Collaboration with international organizations. Support in developing relationships with market partners |
Information portal on the export potential of the region. Electronic information and consulting services for foreign partners |
Geobranding and international marketing |
Targeted exports in priority countries. Branding and promoting the strengths of the region. Umbrella brand of the region |
Business missions and fair events. Use of global events. Promotion of the image of the region |
Positioning of a region in electronic space |
Business infrastructure of international business |
Infrastructure development for international business. Formation of a culture of export activity. Development of transport infrastructure |
Sales offices in other countries. Promotion of international labor migration. Attracting foreign investment |
Electronic platforms with information about Russian producers. International business electronic platform |
Regulatory framework of foreign economic activity |
Internationalization assistance program. Regional branding strategy. Key cluster export development strategies. Industry export strategies |
Foreign economic cooperation agreements with strategic partner countries. Programs to support exports to priority countries (regions). International standardization |
Improving legislation in the field of regulation of electronic markets and information flows |