The article analyzes problems of social and economic development of Grozny. This topic is relevant for developing responsibility in the residents and solving important social issues. The article aims to study the above mentioned problems, and damage they cause to society. The research objects are traffic management and housing and communal services. The problems are as follows: speeding: illegal garbage disposal and littering. Speeding causes traffic accidents with a huge number of victims and significant material damage. The article provides examples of lethal accidents. The main problem of the housing and communal services is domestic waste, litter in places not regulated by sanitary norms. The research methods are the analysis of speeding cases in Grozny and the analysis of illegal garbage disposal and littering in residential areas and public places of Grozny. Domestic waste and litter damage the environment, cause the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, various diseases. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to change the existing system of penalties. We analyzed social problems of the Chechen Republic, because this topic is important for our region. The research object is traffic management and housing and communal services. The research subject is speeding and illegal garbage disposal. The purpose is to study these problems. The objectives are to identify negative aspects of these factors and find ways to eliminate them. Examples of leaving waste in illegal places and undesirable consequences of these actions were described. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations were suggested.
Keywords: Social and economic sphereculprit of a traffic accidenthousing and communal services
The socio-economic sphere needs reengineering (Anping, 2012). It is necessary to review, evaluate, analyze and take measures to eliminate its disadvantages (Win & Aung, 2017). We analyzed social problems of the Chechen Republic, because this topic is important for our region. Of course, there are a lot of positive changes. However, adjustments will never be redundant.
The most pressing problems are as follows:
- speeding;
- leaving household waste in illegal places, littering.
We analyzed the above problems, reviewed harm they cause (Mushtakov, Silnov, Tarakanov, & Bukharov, 2018; Mushtakov & Silnov 2017), and suggested methods for solving these issues.
The research object is traffic management and housing and communal services. The research subject is speeding and illegal garbage disposal. The purpose is to study these problems. The objectives are to identify negative aspects of these factors and find ways to eliminate them.
“The social sphere is the totality of industries, enterprises, organizations that determine the image and living standards, well-being and consumption of people” (Korobkin, 2013, p. 42). “The economic sphere is a set of relations of people arising from material wealth” (Pozdnyakov & Kazakov, 2012; Korobkin, 2013, p. 37). “Traffic accident is an event that occurred while driving which caused damage to people, vehicles, cargo, etc.” (Barbakadze, 2016, p. 4; Gromakovsky, 2017, p. 9).
Problem Statement
The problems are as follows:
- speeding;
- illegal garbage disposal and littering.
Research Questions
Speeding and illegal garbage disposal and littering are key research questions.
Purpose of the Study
The article aims to study the above mentioned problems, and damage they cause to society.
Research Methods
1. Analysis of speeding cases in Grozny;
2. Analysis of illegal garbage disposal and littering in residential areas and public places of Grozny.
I. Speeding in Grozny
“According to statistics, for the first 9 months of 2018, the “accident rate on the roads of the Chechen Republic decreased by 25% compared to the same period of 2017. The number of deaths and injuries decreased” (Khanaliyev, 2011, Introduction, par. 3). “The authorities try to reduce the number of accidents: they expanded the carriageways, built dividing lanes”. However, it is difficult to eliminate this destructive phenomenon” (Gladkyy, 2017, Introduction, par. 9). Here are the main types of traffic violations in Grozny:
a) conntrolled intersection: a footpath, a green light for pedestrians. A pedestrian crosses the road. The car is moving at high speed. If the driver has time to slow down, the pedestrian is safe. “If the driver brakes at the pedestrian crossing, it creates confusion of pedestrians” (Savinykh, 2010, p. 121) or collision causing deaths. “The accident is caused by the driver who was under the influence of alcoholic, psychotropic substances, or he is an irresponsible arrogant selfish person who ignores traffic rules” (Gladkyy, 2017, Introduction, par. 17);
b) controlled intersection: a footpath, a red light for pedestrians. The drivers move along the road, the pedestrians cross the road. It causes a chaos at the intersection. Either all the cars slow down, or collisions occur causing injuries and deaths. The accident is caused by the pedestrian.
c) “uncontrolled intersection: a footpath, no traffic light regulation” (Shelkov, Tkachenko, & Vereikin, 2015, p. 12). The driver has to give way to pedestrians. Unfortunately, not all drivers follow this rule. There are a few drivers who allow a pedestrian to cross the street. More imprudent and impatient pedestrians try to cross the street. If the driver is able to slow down, he can avoid a collision. “At uncontrolled intersections, accidents are always caused by drivers” (Lukanin, Buslaev, & Yashin, 2001; Shelkov et al., 2015, p. 15). The pedestrian himself may be drunk. There are pedestrians with disabilities. The drivers should be careful and patient. However, sober and conscious pedestrians must be vigilant, calm, patient.
d) drivers with vision or hearing problems, not qualified drivers.
These are the main causes of accidents. Every day we rush to work, school, college. And we hope to return home alive. Who is the culprit of an accident? How did it happen? Is it a fatal accident? Was the perpetrator drunk? This is a matter of judicial and law enforcement agencies. We are interested in what will happen to the family of the victim. The culprit of the accident will be forgiven by relatives of the deceased. It is a tradition. No one is immune from accidents. In order to minimize the number of accidents and improve the discipline of drivers, we offer the following recommendations:
a) the victim has young children. If father died, the perpetrator of the accident is obliged to pay monetary compensation on a monthly basis and repair the material damage. The amount of compensation should be established by law, depending on the level of income. For example, if the total annual income of the perpetrator is 150,000 rubles, the monthly amount of compensation is 6,250 rubles.
b) the victim has adult children. The perpetrator is obliged to fund the funeral procession and provide material support for the relatives of the victim in case of weddings, funerals, home construction, etc.;
c) if the driver hit the pedestrian, he must take financial responsibility for his family;
d) in case of injuries, the person responsible for the accident must pay treatment;
e) in case of damage to the car, the culprit must pay repair works or buy a new car;
f) if the person responsible for the accident tries to evade responsibility (unemployment or lack of income), he must transfer a certain part of his property to the affected party. Even if he receives an allowance in the amount of 5,000 thousand rubles, his duty is to pay at least 1,500 rubles a month. This sum may seem ridiculous to someone, but this may help the affected party to pay mobile services, Internet, etc.
g) if the victim is mother, the culprit is obliged to follow the same compensation mechanism as described in a. This responsibility can be imposed on the spouse of the perpetrator, if she is an employee of the institution, runs her own business, or has other sources of income. The amount of compensation is established by the state, depending on the level of annual income;
i) only competent, highly qualified, healthy drivers should be allowed to drive a vehicle. The drivers of public transport must have academic degrees in transport majors. Drivers of private vehicles should know traffic rules, driving rules, be healthy and psychologically balanced. They have to pass special tests for mental stability. Ill, half-blind, deaf, mute and disabled people cannot be admitted to driving.
The "culprit of an accident" is an individual, regardless of gender, age, social status, owning a vehicle, committed the accident.
The following types of monetary compensation can be used (Table
Ii. Illegal garbage disposal and littering in residential areas and public places of Grozny
Let us list the examples of environmental pollution in Grozny:
- illegal disposal of household waste;
- intentional pollution;
–lack of the ecological culture in children, mothers, the younger generation;
- littering at bus stops, parking facilities;
- arson of fields damaging the microbiosphere;
- waste burning in residential areas;
- “disposal of harmful organic, inorganic, toxic waste origin on pedestrian sidewalks” (Lukanin et al., 2001, p. 17);
- reproduction of stray dogs, cats attacking children, adults and spreading infectious diseases;
- destruction of trees.
We suggest the following recommendations:
- to involve residents into cleaning the yard area, entrances. Moreover, the cleaning should be monitored by local authorities or police officers. The litter pick should be held each month. At the end of the litter pick, the householders must draw up a report on the work done. In case of violation of the established order, the residents and the house manager must be fined. If the residents break benches, trees, make a mess, they should be de-energized. To “de-energize” is to turn off water, light, gas;
- “in order to exercise control, a special working team consisting of at least ten people must be formed. This team should cooperate with the tax service. If a member of the brigade finds out violations of the order, the member of the team draw up an act for the tax service to impose a fine” (Aleroeva, 2018, p. 2);
- Employees of the SURSAD are very valuable people for our republic. They should be valued, cherished, encouraged. Thanks to them, we admire beauty of Grozny.
- Surveillance cameras should be installed at bus stops, car parks to track littering people;
- parents of children who organized the arson of the field sites should pay fines;
- surveillance cameras should be installed in residential areas to record people burning garbage;
- surveillance cameras should be installed near sidewalks.
- stray dogs, cats must be placed in nurseries distant from the city;
- parents of children breaking trees must plant five more trees as “fines” and take care of them until they are growing. If necessary, water them, dig, protect from various kinds and types of pests. A similar punishment for an adult who harmed the plant (tree).
Implementation of these measures for improving the road situation and housing and communal services can bring the maximum benefit:
a) traffic management:
- reduction of a number of victims of accidents;
- development of civil and legal responsibility;
- solution of social problems of the victim’ family;
b) ecological situation in Grozny and Chechnya:
- development of ecological culture;
- increasing the level of responsibility;
- preventing the spread of pathogens and infectious diseases;
- maximum preservation of environmental cleanliness;
- reliable protection of vegetation;
- stimulation of employees of the SURSAD;
- formation of parent’s responsibility for educating their children;
- increasing responsibility of mothers for their children. According to our observations, the vast majority of persons throwing garbage is women. The child sees it, accepts it as a norm. In addition, mothers encourage similar behaviour of their children;
- reduction of fire situations in the summer period.
Some citizens criticize the government organizing litter picks. Dear citizens! Have you forgotten what was our republic? We revived cities, villages, built houses, bridges, roads. We had no time for reviving the infrastructure. Great work was done. Why nobody sees this? Why should workers of the SURSAD clean the residential areas? We know that the housing and utilities companies are lagging behind the present-day organizations. They need innovations. The authorities will do everything to bring our utilities system to the world level.
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Publication Date
28 December 2019
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Future Academy
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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, science, technology, society
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Aleroeva*, L., Magomadov, I., Berezhnoy, V., Mamasurov, S., & Aptaev, K. (2019). Social And Economic Problems Of The City. In D. Karim-Sultanovich Bataev, S. Aidievich Gapurov, A. Dogievich Osmaev, V. Khumaidovich Akaev, L. Musaevna Idigova, M. Rukmanovich Ovhadov, A. Ruslanovich Salgiriev, & M. Muslamovna Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism, vol 76. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 61-66). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.12.04.9