Financial Indicator |
Benchmark Indicator Value |
Total Balance Increase |
42.35 |
Non-Circulating Assets Increase |
66.81 |
Circulating Assets Increase |
41.37 |
Property Assets Increase |
104.00 |
Company Obligation Increase |
100.90 |
Net Proceeds Increase |
43.36 |
Production Cost Increase |
401.25 |
Increase In Profit Before Tax |
136.78 |
After-Tax Profit Increase |
229.01 |
Equity-Assets Ratio |
0.50 |
Absolute Liquidity Ratio |
0.20 |
Current Liquidity Ratio |
2.00 |
Marginal Liquidity Ratio |
0.70 |
Turnover Ratio Of Current Assets |
2.83 |
Receivable Turnover Ratio |
16.56 |
Payable Turnover Ratio |
16.75 |
Stock Turnover Ratio |
38.60 |
Cash Turnover Ratio |
214.77 |
Return On Assets |
3.30 |
Profitability Of Sales |
7.00 |
Net Profitability Of Equity |
7.75 |