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A Corpus Analysis Of Phraseological Sequences In Academic Writing

Table 2:

Rank Frequency(pmw) Four-word lexical bundle
1 306 are more likely to
2 189 the extent to which
3 161 on the other hand
4 130 in the context of
5 120 in the host country
6 120 in the case of
7 104 on the basis of
8 88 the results of the
9 87 more likely to be
10 81 at the same time
11 77 as well as the
12 74 is positively related to
13 71 in terms of the
14 67 per cent of the
15 63 in the form of
16 62 is likely to be
17 60 it is important to
18 60 as a result of
19 58 to the extent that
20 56 more likely to have
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