Hadith has several status levels and among Islamic Scholars from
Keywords: Al-nawawihadithfatwa muftishafi'i madhhab
Since the beginning of Islam in the Nusantara, the
Problem Statement
According to Asni (2016), in his study found that the official fatwa makers in Malaysia differed in views when interacting with the hadith evidence where some accepted the
Research Questions
What is al-Nawawi's methodology against hadith
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to examine how far the mufti departments in Malaysia follow the methodology of hadith al-Nawawi in the
Research Methods
Through a library research, the researchers referred to al-Nawawi's writings on his methodology in the hadith during
Hadis Maqbul and Mardud (Da’if)
The acceptance of a hadith depends on
The hadith of
While the hadith of
Absent occurred because the narrator did not meet the previous narrator either because the narrator was not at the same time or same time but could not meet (Muhammad, 2016). The break of the
While the meanings of criticisms in the narrators are criticisms of justice, religion or from the point of memory. There are ten criticisms of the narrators, five are related to justice, while the other five are related to the accuracy (
Al-Nawawi Methodology to Hadith Resources in Istinbat Hukm
Al-Nawawi made the source of the hadith as a second
Similarly, he states in the preface of
Among the examples put forward by al-Nawawi in this regard is, “Whoever spends the night of Eid in prayer, his heart will not die on the day when hearts die.” - (commentary of al-Nawawi): This
Da’if Hadith References Analysis in Fatwa Legal Declaration by Fatwa Makers in Malaysia
Generally, the findings show that fatwa makers in Malaysia tend to be two opinions, the first one that can argue with
While the second hadith is weak, which means, "Announce to us by Abu Bakr al-Asbahani, I am 'Ali bin' Umar al-Hafiz, told us Abu 'Abdillah' Ubaid allah bin 'Abd Allah bin' Abd al- Samad bin al-Muhtadi bi Allah, told us Abu 'Ulathah Muhammad bin' Amru bin Khalid, told us by my father, told us Yunus bin Rasyid, from 'Ata' al-Khurasani, from 'Ikrimah, from Ibn ‘Abbas, he said, "The Prophet (PBUH) said cannot give will to the heirs unless other heirs wish it (al-Daruqutni, 2013). "This hadith is weak according to al-Barr (2017), Abu Daud (1986), al-Munawi (2013), Al-'Asqalani (2015) and al-Albani (1985). According to Ibn Hazm (2016), a will bound by the utterance "unless with the consent of the heirs" it is a hadith with
The second group says that the hadith should not be used to argue in the legal affairs. This opinion comprises the Perak Mufti Department (Adam, 2015), Penang (Mohd, 2015), Perlis (Johari, 2017) and Selangor (Kamos, 2015). The findings of this study show that although the State Mufti Departments have a strong influence on the al-Shafi'i madhhab until making it as a major reference in the issuance of fatwa as found in the respective Islamic state enactment except Perlis, for example in the Islamic Religion Administration Enactment (Negeri Sembilan) 2003 as set out in section 54 (1) said, "In issuing any fatwa under section 49, or recommend an opinion under section 53, the Fatwa Committee shall ordinarily follow
However, some Mufti Departments did not follow the al-Nawawi methodology in the hadiths during
The entire Mufti State Department in Malaysia except Perlis has provided in the enactment of the law that the
This finding should not have been the case because in addition to it contrary to the provisions of the existing law, it also has another great impact that is not a strong fatwa decision because arguing with the
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23 September 2019
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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, literary theory, political science, political theory
Cite this article as:
Asni*, F., Baharudin, A., & Sulong, J. (2019). Methodology Of Al-Nawawi In Hadith And Its Influence In The Mufti Departments. In N. S. Mat Akhir, J. Sulong, M. A. Wan Harun, S. Muhammad, A. L. Wei Lin, N. F. Low Abdullah, & M. Pourya Asl (Eds.), Role(s) and Relevance of Humanities for Sustainable Development, vol 68. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 353-359). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.09.39