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Unequal Intervivos Within The Islamic Context

Table 2:

Traditional Muslim Jurists (Hanafi Jurists) Al-Kasani Abu Yusuf Muhammad Al-Shaybani Ibn Nujaym Al-Haskafi
Ibrahim, (2017) When a father transfers their wealth, nobody can stop it. Children who are excluded could be either learned and uneducated, well-behaved or misbehavedThis type of hibah is unjust Children who are excluded could be either learned and uneducated, well-behaved or misbehavedThis type of hibah is unjust Sinful to give unequal hibah although it is legally permissible and valid. Sinful to give unequal hibah although it is legally permissible and valid.
Awang & Abd Rahman, (2014)
Nor Muhamad, (2011) Unequal hibah - Permissible if the objective of that hibah will not harm their children
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