During the preparatory period, before starting the training of the athletes, it would be necessary to understand their effort capacity in order to adequately conduct the effort, all this in view to ensure a superior functional capacity of their body by obtaining optimal values of the somatic and functional indices. Following the circuit application by components of the representative football team of the University of Craiova (ages between 20-24 years) and the recording of their heart rate, it is mandatory to redirect the effort for the adaptation of the body to effort. The Circuit - a methodical device which develops strength in resistance condition, contributing to the development of cardio-respiratory function. Following the interpretation of the heart rate values which were recorded after each station, after twice applying a circuit of seven stations with different duration and also different intensity, it was necessary to redirect the effort by eliminating one station and also increasing the gap between the two circuits from 3 to 4 minutes, due to the high heart rate. The heart rate values recorded in the initial test (February 2017) assessed new effort management measures, also the heart rate values which were subsequently recorded from the final test (March 2017), confirmed the hypothesis we formulated and a good adaptation to the students body's effort.
Keywords: Heart ratedynamicstationsvolumepower
Physical training is a component of training and it represents the level of physical fitness development, consistent with the nature of the effort.
The development of the deficient motor qualities of an athlete is insufficient, resulting in consequences that lead to the formation of restrictively-trained athletes lacking efficiency when tackling diverse strategies and tactics (Cosma, Orţănescua, & Cosma, 2014).
In the training of the football game, physical training has different weights during the training periods, depending on the age and the value of the athletes, by the load of the competition calendar.
In general, however, it is subordinated to training and to the game, having a greater weight in the following situations: during the transition period, when nonspecific efforts and passive rest are planned for the players; in the preparatory phase; in situations where the team is in poor sports form; when certain players are in rehabilitation after accidents; in lightning competitions: tournaments, qualifiers, cups.
Also, the technical performance may be limited by physical characteristics as well as physical fitness, and performance characteristics (Smith, Roberts, & Watson, 1992).
In addition to all the variables pursued in the specific training, we also mention the importance of motivation formation during school competitions (Rus, Radu, & Vanvu, 2016), a motivation that needs to be developed and maintained in the later stages of training in our programs. As a football team has many characters, it's important to know the players' motivation contained in our proposed paragraphs.
In case of a study about the relationships between the goal orientations of the students sporting as team sport and individualistically and the level of their basic psychologic needs, (Tekin et al., 2012), found significance relationship between the task and ego orientations and self determination and competence and level of relationships of the students sporting as team sport. According to those results, the success level of the students sporting as team sport about their competence and self determination decides that they contribute positively the evaluations regarding how good the individual's daytime will be.
From Acar, Akandere, and Bastug (2013) experiment, has been observed that the football exercise program influenced chlidren posibilities of problem-solving skills. So, the students become more effective in problem solving which means that problem solving skills were improved by football practice. Also, Kun and Toth (2012) study results encourage to affirm that 10-year-old children are able to use formal thinking in football area. So, the experts who deal with selection and talent identification in football must be aware that this would be of great importance.
Starting with 2017, the Romanian Football Federation (2018) has completed a study dedicated to juvenile football training - "Methodology of Child and Junior Preparation", a framework document to set guidelines, to present the direction in which FRF considers that we must advance our children's and junior football.
The content of this paper outlines the four components of the vision:
A. An environment conducive for the players’ training
B. Practicing a modern football
C. Focus on preparing for play
D. Adaptation to the age stage
The document is part of a complex project that aims to restructure the coach training department (currently the Federal Coach School), to train and re-train coaches working in junior clubs in the country and to standardize the training model and play from the FRF Centers of Excellence and from the National Juniors (FRF, 2017).
Problem Statement
As regards the heart rate in effort, during different periods of training and also especially at different ages, sex and sports, there are not many concrete dates in this field.
“Adolescence runs between 14/15 and 18/19 years. The central point is the search for one's own identity but also the ability to think abstract. The young adult age - between 20-40 years … Intellectual skills gain new dimensions and are especially used in professional life” (Psihologia dezvoltării, n.d.).
Because of the age peculiarities of the investigated subjects, we considered that they are able to record their own heart rate by classical method and correctly assess the degree of fatigue generated by the intensity of the circuitry exercises to contribute, in addition to concrete values (pulse) to subsequent changes in intensity, in the sense of increase or decrease, if necessary.
Research into physical education lessons at 12-year-old students has shown that at this age, students do not properly assess their fatigue after the effort and do not reflect the recorded heart rate (CF) at certain times lessons, they underestimate the intensity of the effort (Gidu, Ene-Voiculescu, Straton, & Hritac, 2012).
Research Questions
Following the circuit application by practicing soccer students and the recording of their heart rate, it is mandatory to redirect the effort for the adaptation of the body to effort.
Purpose of the Study
During the preparatory period, before starting the training of the athletes, it would be necessary to understand their effort capacity in order to adequately conduct the effort, all this in view to ensure a superior functional capacity of their body by obtaining optimal values of the somatic and functional indices.
Research Methods
5.1. The Methodical Process - The Circuit
The circuit encompasses exercises that address the development of force in various regions, its use presenting many advantages, among which we mention the most suggestive:
- it is a good means of individual training, because it is possible to make an individual dosage expressed by ½ of the maximum possibilities + growth rate, depending on the needs and possibilities of the players;
- the players' interest in individual physical training develops;
-it must be understood in combination with the other methods, because it alone can not solve the complex tasks of the global training.
In performance physical education, a workbook is required to record the pulse values and self-control, on the basis of which individual progress can be made permanently reporting on individual progress achieved.
Bănăţan (1972) considered that "a large number of specialists ... use for measuring force in the arms, special devices (dynamometer, graduated extensions), which provide a high degree of precision and can determine the absolute force in kg" (p. 270).
We have chosen the technical process - the circuit for the development of the general force, but there have been researches that applied the proprioceptive training for the development of the lower limb force in the practicing soccer sport, where, besides progress, the number of injuries decreased, which determines us in the future to experience this proprioceptive workout (Gidu, 2016).
There is a general agreement in the physical education and coaching communities on the importance of warm-up (WU) prior to any physical performance. Nevertheless, the value of WU remains controversial among researchers and it’s recommended that practitioners should experiment with different WU routines and adjust them on an individual basis (Dunsky & Ben-Sira, 2016).
Into the experiment of great importance was warm-up, before aplication of the circuit, using dynamic streching.
A study that aimed to examine the effects of static, dynamic, combined (static and dynamic) and no stretching on the static and dynamic balance of female football players during warm-ups, came to the conclusion that, dynamic stretching resulted improved static and dynamic balance performance. Therefore, warm-up tasks incorporating dynamic stretching may be beneficial for athletes (Amiri-Khorasani & Gulick, 2015).
5.2. The classic method of recording heart rate
This method consisted of applying two fingers on the carotid or brachial artery by each individual athlete and recording the number of beatings of the heart for 10 seconds, multiplying the result by 6 to find the heart rate / minute. The pulse was recorded after each station and the break between the two circuits.
Following the interpretation of the heart rate values that emerged after the initial testing (table
In this way has been eliminated the "Push-to-Machine" exercise at the last station (station 7), because the same muscle groups were also targeted at Station 3 and the break between circuits increased and after the second circuit from 3 to 4 minutes as the frequency of the subjects did not fall within the normal resting range, exceeding them.
In the final test the values of the cardiac frequency of the subjects on the 6 station circuit were recorded (table
This newly established circuit (table
• twice a week for two weeks during the general physical training period in addition to the other technical-tactical training;
• once a week for two weeks during the specific training period, in addition to the other technical-tactical training;
Elimination of a station was due to the high heart rate values recorded in most subjects and the break between the circuits and the second end, from 3 to 4 minutes, increased.
It was precisely in this context that the effort was directed to the development of the general force in the subjects subjected to research, the elimination of a station and the increase of the breaks between the circuits and the end of the second. The rest of the conditions are maintained.
-the first circuit was applied for 45 seconds of tinplate work in each station, 3/4 and 45 seconds between stations, the heart rate values of the subjets at the initial and final testing can be found in table
-the second circuit - working time of 30 seconds tempo 4/4, at each station and pause for 30 seconds between stations, the heart rate values of the subjets at the initial and final testing can be found in in table
6.1. The heart rate values of athletes at initial and final testing on both circuits
6.2. Interpretation of heart rate values compared to initial and final testing of D.N. (model)

D.N. who is the captain of the team and was legitimate at that time at the "Navobi" Iasi football team being constantly training, has had low heart rate values at the circuit stations exercises that show a good adaptation of the body to effort (Figure
Partial conclusions
In the initial testing we had 7 stations, but due to the high heart rate values of the subjects that could be due to the lack of adaptation to the effort, we decided to remove a station and continue to apply the experiment with 6 stations and increase the gap between the circuits at 3 minutes to 4 minutes.
In all the students in the research, at the final test, from one station to another, heart rate values are close to both Circuit 1 (table
It is noted that with regard to initial testing (table
Through this experiment, it has been shown that the application of the circuit during these periods contributes to the development of the general force.
Final Conclusion
The heart rate values recorded in the initial testing (table
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Publication Date
16 May 2019
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Future Academy
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Sports, sport science, physical education
Cite this article as:
Aurora, U., Glicheria, D., Constantin, A., Alina, A., & Luminita, B. C. (2019). Managing The Students Effort Following The Application Of The Circuit-Female Soccer. In E. Lupu, G. Niculescu, & E. Sabău (Eds.), Sport, Education and Psychology - icSEP 2019, vol 61. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 55-63). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.05.7