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The Novice Physical Education Teacher And Solving A Gym Discipline

Table 6:

Coding Coding Central concept
Pupils move where they should not be. Pupils move where they should not move, and they are too noisy. In the case of discipline violation, the teachers whistle or verbally admonish. The greatest misbehaviour of pupils is the noise and movement in places where they should not be, and teachers usually solve the indiscipline with notes.
The pupils nudge and they are too noisy.
I just met with a situation where they scream.
When the pupils bother, I whistle, or verbally I notice them. When the pupils bother, I whistle, or verbally notice them.
I warn pupils of verbally and if they violate discipline I also whistle.
I punish them with a note to the pupils’ record book or disciplinary record. I give notes to the pupils’ record book or to the disciplinary record.
Depend on how serious rule violation is. I usually give a note or verbally arrange.
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