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The Novice Physical Education Teacher And Solving A Gym Discipline

Table 4:

Coding Coding Central concept
I have pre-established rules and pupils must respect them. Pupils must adhere to clear and pre-established rules. Teachers build discipline in pupils so that pupils must follow the rules, teachers are trying to calm the pupils in the PE classes and if the pupils observe the discipline, pupils can choose the game they want to play in the PE lesson.
Pupils must adhere to pre-established rules, then have more freedom when choosing a game during PE class.
If pupils observe discipline, they can choose to play in the PE lessons. Pupils can choose the games if they compliance the discipline in the PE classes.
I must make the class interested to all the pupils and rotate the games.
I try to keep the relative silence during PE lessons.
The pupils are bit noisier at PE lessons, but I try to calm them down. The pupils are much noisier in the PE lessons than in other subjects, but I try to force them to compliance the discipline, and I try to calm them down a little bit.
The Biggest challenge is to make pupils enjoy the lesson, even if they have to observe discipline.
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