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Inter-Relationships Between Quality Of Life, Coping Styles, Anxiety And Depression

Table 4:

Hypothesis Supported
Clinical factors towards the depression
H1a : Brain tumour patient are vulnerable towards many forms of psychiatric disorders Yes
Gender, age and types of diagnosis has direct paths to depression
H2a: Gender has direct paths to the depression among the patients No
H2b: Age has direct paths to the depression among the patients No
H2c: Types of diagnosis has direct paths to the depression among the patients No
H3: Socioeconomic factorshas direct paths to depression No
Quality of life factors towards the depression
H4: The emotional functioning, physical functioning, congnitive functioning, insomnia, fatigue, pain, and constipation have direct path to depression No
H4a: Emotional functioning has direct path to the depression among the patients Yes
H4b: Physical functioning has direct path to the depression among the patients No
H4c: Insomnia has direct path to the depression among the patients Yes
H4d: Fatigue contributes to the depression among the patients Yes
H4e: Pain has direct path to the depression among the patients No
H4f: Constipation has direct path to the depression among the patients No
H4g : Cognitive functioning has direct path to the depression among the patients No
Anxiety towards the quality of life factors
H5: The anxiety disorders associates with quality of life among the patients Yes
Sociodemographic factor towards the anxiety No
H6: The gender has direct paths to anxiety disorders among the patients No
Anxiety as a predictor of depression
H7: The predictor of depression among the brain tumour patients is the presence of trait of anxiety No
H7a: Anxiety disorder has direct paths to the depression among the patients Yes
Emotional functioning as a mediator between depression and anxiety
H8: Emotional functioning has mediating effect between depression and anxiety Yes
H8a: Pain and stage of illness has an effect towards to the MDD and suicidal ideation No
Pain and the stage of the illness has direct paths to MDD and suicidal ideation
H9a: Pain and the stage of the illness has direct paths to MDD and suicidal ideation No
H9b: Stage of the illness has direct paths to MDD and suicidal ideation No
Brain tumor diagnosis, education and career has direct path towards the poor physical and cognitive functioning.
H10: Brain tumor diagnosis, education and career has direct path towards the poor physical and cognitive functioning. No
H10a: The brain tumour diagnosis has direct path towards the poor level of functioning and quality of life No
H10b: Educational level has direct path towards the poor level of functioning and quality of life No
H10c: Level of education has direct path towards the cognitive functioning No
H10d: Career has direct path towards the poor level of functioning and quality of life No
Global health statuses effect the emotional functioning
H11: Patients with brain tumour impaired in global health status, emotional, role functioning, cognitive functioning and physical functioning No
H11a: Global health status of the patients positively correlated with emotional functioning Yes
Age effects on quality of life
H12: Age has direct path towards the physical and role functioning, constipation, appetite loss and pain No
Quality of life has effect on the severity of depression
H13: The global health status, physical, emotional, role, cognitive and social functioning has direct path to severity of depression. No
H13a: The global health status has direct path to severity of depression. No
H13b: Physical has direct path to severity of depression. No
H13c: Emotional has direct path to severity of depression. Yes
H13d: Role has direct path to severity of depression. No
H13e: Cognitive has direct path to severity of depression. No
H13f: Social functioning has direct path to severity of depression. No
The patients with depression associates with the poor quality of life and poor coping styles
H14: The patients with depression associates with the poor quality of life and poor coping styles Yes
H14: Quality of life have direct path to the depression among the patients Yes
H14a: Coping styles have direct path to the depression among the patients Yes
H14b: Coping styles have direct path to the emotional functioning among the patients Yes
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