Factors |
Acron PJSC |
Financial and economic situation |
Has stable financial position and is also one of the leaders in the industry. |
Market niche conditions, (volume, quality, price) |
Trends in the market are positive. In terms of import substitution and the search for new markets, the industry has high prospects and demand |
Technical level of production, unfinished construction and not installed equipment |
High level of production, unfinished projects are explained by expansion of the industry, as well as by the increase in production volumes |
Leasing terms |
The company has subsidiaries that deal exclusively with transport services and use the services of leasing companies. |
Internal funds and ability to raise debt capital |
The amount of borrowed funds exceeds the amount of internal funds, however, the company is able to maintain solvency at a high level and timely meet the requirements of creditors |
Terms of financing investments in the capital market |
The company is more attractive for external investors, due to such indicators as P / E, earnings per share |
Benefits received by investors from the state |
Previously, projects were implemented jointly with the government of the Novgorod region, but at present the government has some claims to the company. |
Commercial and budget efficiency of new projects |
All previously implemented projects were completed on time and enhanced production volumes, and also had high social efficiency for the area of location |
Terms of insurance and obtaining appropriate guarantees of investments against non-commercial risks |
A comprehensive co-insurance agreement was concluded with VTB Insurance LLC IC, SOGAZ OJSC and Ingosstrakh IJSC for a total amount of over 48.8 billion rubles. |