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Attributes And Sectoral Characteristics Of Innovative Cluster

Table 1:

The attributive properties of clusters inherent in the traditional interpretation of this economic category The attribute properties of the cluster, forming the contradictions of the process of cluster development
The formed structure of spatial localization of enterprises and organizations of the cluster in the region, due to infrastructure, logistical advantages, economies of scale and other factors Plastic adaptability of the spatial boundaries of the cluster, the presence of several circuits of interaction with the external environment (political, investment and financial, technological, personnel, etc.)
Monocentric agglomeration of production around a single cluster core, which is a large production or scientific-educational complex Polycentric conurbation, which is a complex multicomponent system with intensive production, transport and organizational links
Absorption of external effects of cluster development of the peripheral territory of the cluster, the positive impact of clustering processes on the socio-economic development of the region as a whole Formation of the core of the cluster and a stable structure of economic relations and relations within the internal environment of the cluster, the occlusive nature of external transactions in adverse economic conditions
Variety of organizational forms and options for the industrial specialization of cluster members within value chains The need to maintain the complementarity of organizations and enterprises of the cluster, as well as its relative homogeneity with respect to the external environment
Dependence of cluster development on the existing sectoral specialization of the region in the scale of the national economic system The need to implement an innovative scenario of advanced development of production of a new technological structure in order to ensure competitiveness in international markets
Cooperation of cluster enterprises within the framework of the general infrastructure and institutional environment forming on its territory Competition between cluster enterprises for common cluster resources, technologies, and infrastructure capabilities
Centralization of functions for managing cluster development processes at specialized cluster management companies Decentralization of cluster development processes, independent strategies of enterprises and organizations to realize the benefits of participation in the cluster
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