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Scale Of Risk Behaviors, Associated With STI / HIV-AIDS, For Young Chileans

Table 3:

Original item in Spanish for Chilean sample(untested translation for understanding purposes only) SAMP IUPB PKSHC SAUIAD
He tenido dos o más parejas sexuales en un mismo periodo de tiempo(I have had two or more sexual partners in the same period of time) .846** .041 -.001 .001
He tenido relaciones sexuales con más de una persona al mismo tiempo (ej. tríos, cuartetos, orgías, etc.)(I have had sex with more than one person at the same time (e.g. trios, quartets or orgies)) .823** -.077 .115 -.005
He tenido sexo con más de una persona en un mismo día(I have had sex with more than one person in the same day) .877** .071 -.055 -.041
Cuando he estado en relaciones estables (ej. pololo/a, novia/o, esposo/a, etc.), he tenido sexo con otras personas(When I have been in stable relationships (e.g. girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse), I have had sex with other people) .657** -.026 -.091 .134
He recibido semen y/o fluido vaginal en mi boca(I have received semen or vaginal fluid in my mouth) .141 .499** .045 .048
He sangrado y/o he tenido contacto con sangre de otra persona durante el sexo(I have bled or have had contact with another person's blood during sex) .066 .503** .048 .117
He tenido algún tipo de penetración antes de usar preservativo(I have had some type of penetration without using a condom) -.083 .871** -.030 -.068
He tenido contacto entre genitales (roces) antes del uso del preservativo(I have had genital contact (rubbing) without the use of condoms) -.075 .784** -.004 -.009
Creo saber de las posibles infecciones de transmisión sexual que tenga(n) o haya(n) tenido la(s) persona(s) con las que me he involucrado sexualmente(I think I know of the possible sexually transmitted infections that the person with whom I have been sexually involved have or do not have) -.095 -.022 .854** .091
Creo saber si la(s) persona(s) con las que me he involucrado sexualmente ha(n) experimentado riesgos de contraer alguna ITS o VIH/SIDA(I think I know if the person(s) with whom I have been sexually involved have experienced risks of contracting an STI or HIV/AIDS) -.030 .032 .941** .050
Creo saber si las personas con las que me he involucrado sexualmente han pagado o han recibido pago por favores sexuales(I think I know if the people with whom I have been sexually involved have paid or received payment for sexual favours) .088 .049 .814** -.114
Creo conocer si las personas con la que me he involucrado sexualmente ha(n) utilizado, regularmente, preservativos con parejas sexuales anteriores(I think I know if the people with whom I have been sexually involved have (regularly) used condoms with previous sexual partners) .041 -.047 .655** -.034
He consumido alcohol y/o drogas para facilitar el sexo(I have consumed alcohol or drugs to facilitate sex) .082 .049 -.069 .607**
He tenido encuentros sexuales, que no recuerdo, producto del alcohol y/o drogas(I have had sexual encounters that I do not remember as a result of alcohol or drugs) -.061 -.032 .009 .853**
He accedido a tener relaciones con personas cuando estoy bajo los efectos del alcohol y/o drogas, con las cuales no accedería normalmente(I have agreed to have sexual relations with people with whom I would not normally agree to have relations when I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs) .099 -.022 -.002 .689**
Cuando he consumido alcohol y/o drogas en exceso, he terminado teniendo relaciones sexuales(When I consumed alcohol or drugs in excess, I have ended up having sex) -.022 .047 .043 .842**
Alpha (α) .720 .695 .835 .698
Omega (ω) .890 .799 .903 .850
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