The article is devoted to the phenomenon of “parentality” as a universal cultural value correlated with different views and notions in different fields of humanitarian knowledge. The authors represent the evolution of the concept “parentality” in different scientific fields using the analytical, synchronous-diachronic and comparative methods. The research purpose is to study the semantic development of the “parentality” lexeme in English, French, and Russian, to define the conceptualization of this notion in the study of modern problems of the family. From the standpoint of cognitive linguistics we determine the historical periods with the maximum semantic activity of the corresponding notion. The authors define the conceptualization of this notion in the study of the modern problems of childhood, family, and upbringing. The authors analyze the phenomenon under study in the English, French, and Russian languages in synchronic-diachronic terms. The authors of the article denote the additional meanings, the phenomena of synonymy and polysemy in the denomination of the types of “parentality” within different scientific fields, the mechanisms in the formation of the figurative meaning of this lexical unit in the process of the evolution of the term “parentality”. In this context the authors substantiate the interdisciplinary strategies of the modern science of the family and upbringing, the use of a rich arsenal of humanitarian knowledge.
Keywords: The concept “parentality” family evolutionsynchronic-diachronic terms
The concept “parentality” has recently entered the international research discourse of various scientific areas. Quite a wide interdisciplinary research field comprising socio-medical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical, cultural, and other scientific views on the problem of “parentality” expands the limits of the role and place of parents in the modern world. Social Sciences and Humanities have been enlarging the knowledge fund of the concept “parentality” and proceeding from the subject each of them highlights the target dominant of the observed phenomenon. The flexibility and polysemy of the concept “parentality” are represented in such a diverse range of views and notions, sometimes contradicting each other, which, in its turn, stimulates the process of cognition of this phenomenon closely connected with the family – the most important social institution for the society.
1.1. The importance of parents for the individual consciousness of a person as well as for the social life of society as a whole is great. “Parentality” is a universal value in any culture, nevertheless, in different fields of the international humanitarian knowledge this concept correlates with different views and notions.
1.2. Based on the fact that “parentality” is the object of study of various sciences, and as Bruel states, is the “symptom” and the result of the transformations taking place in the family, of the complicated family pathways (Bruel et al., 2001), we suggest taking the principles of cognitive linguistics referring to the issues of the interrelation of languages and cultures into account while studying this phenomenon.
Problem Statement
An attempt to conceptualize the notion “parentality” by linguo-comparative analysis for enriching the international pedagogical discourse, for improving the methodological base of the scientific analysis of the problems of family.
Research Questions
While studying such a complex phenomenon as “parentality” we could not find any comprehensive research considering the conceptualization of this notion in the study of the modern problems of childhood, family, upbringing.
We define the following research questions:
totracethe semantic development of the “parentality” lexeme in English, French, Russian languages;
to determine the greatest semantic activity of the concept defined by historical periods of social development.
Purpose of the Study
To study the semantic development of the “parentality” lexeme in English, French, and Russian, to define the conceptualization of this notion in the study of modern problems of childhood, family, upbringing.
Research Methods
The problem has been studied from the standpoint of modern linguistics striving for the explantation and interdisciplinarity. This led to the choice of the analytical, synchronous-diachronic and comparative methods.
5.1. The analytical method is to study a large volume of authentic scientific sources, to select, systematize concepts and facts devoted to the problems of childhood, family, upbringing.
5.2. The synchronous-diachronicmethod– to trace derivational processes of the “parentality” lexeme, to determine time intervals with the most significant changes in its morphological structure, explain their existence, trends for future development. This approach based on the understanding the fact that “linguistics studies the systemic structure of a language in statics and dynamics” (Popova & Sternin, 2001). This compromise view reflects the interrelation and interdependence of the synchronic and diachronic approach as well as the method of the dictionary pedagogical definition from the standpoint of modern linguistics. We suppose that this research angle allows us to study the derivational processes proceeding from the system status of the changing objects taking into account certain historical periods of stability of linguistic facts. The consideration of the concept “parentality” from the point of view of a synchronic-diachronic aspect presupposes the differentiation of time-intervals during which significant changes in the morphological structure of the word took place. In this study we consider decades to be such time sections.
5.3. The comparative method consists of identification common, specific mechanisms of the evolution of the concept “parentality” in the languages under study (English, French, and Russian) connected with the socio-historical context
It was during this period of time that the English concept “parentality” gained much popularity in the language of different fields of activity and disciplines, which led to the appearance of different semantic meanings of the terms “parenthood” and “parenting”, thus, limiting the semantic field of their use. In French the concept “monoparentalité” became public for the specialists of the biomedical sphere and became common to characterize the experience of a woman (or a man) bringing up children alone. Modern researchers point out contribution to the French study of the concept of “parentalité comme être parent” in the meaning of “being a parent”, and state that “parentality” can take a variety of forms and due to this it is necessary to find the definition of the parental status where the common denominator is the term "paternalité".
During this period of time in the languages under study the lexical layer was undergoing the process of constant updating, it was replenished by word formation (binary noun+adjective word combinations were registered in French; nominal compound notions of the adjective+noun type predominated in English and Russian). The semantic structure of such combinations concretizes a special notion and has a differentiated seme already in the name, thus, denoting a highly specialized notion. In our opinion, that is due to the social order for the “real/true”, “right” parenting. Let us take the most used concepts which are used in the names of different educational and social programs, conceptions (psychological and sociological more often) disclosing the concept “parentality” into consideration:
In French - la parentalité biologique, la parentalité positive, la parentalité compétente.
In Russian – естественное родительство (“estestvennoye roditelstvo”), ответственное родительство (“otvetstvennoye roditelstvo”), компетентное родительство (“competentnoye roditelstvo”).
In English - natural parenting, responsible parenting, competent parenting.
At present in the English literature the term “parenthood” is more often used by the specialists analyzing the institutional characteristics of “parentality” (norms, values) and legal statuses (for example, establishing filiation, the refusal of motherhood, adoption, etc.). To characterize the actual/proper parental roles including the deviations from the models of treating children approved in this specific culture such as neglecting the basic needs of children, abusing, violence, the second concept “parenting” is more often used.
In French the term “parentalité” has the generalized semantic meaning, it characterizes both the parental status and the approaches (practices) towards children upbringing, specifying the narrower meaning of the concept “parenté”. So, in famous “Dictionnaire de français Larousse” we can find the following definition of “parentalité, f, - fonction de parent, notamment sur les plans juridique, moral et socioculturel” (Dictionnaire de français Larousse, 2018).
In French - la parentalité symbolique = la parentalité généalogique, la parentalité sociale = la parentalité domestique.
In Russian - сознательное = ответственное родительство (soznatelnoye = otvetstvennoe roditelstvo), естественное = сознательное = осознанное родительство (estestvennoye = soznatelnoye = osoznannoe roditelstvo).
In English - empathic parenting = natural parenting, organic parenting = attachment parenting.
In our opinion, that is due to the fact that while analyzing various spheres and conditions of the phenomenon of “parentality” the researchers use a rich arsenal of humanitarian knowledge comprehensively, which stipulates the existence of interdisciplinary strategies in the modern science of the family and “parentality” (“parenting”).
The concepts of “attachment/responsive parenting”, “natural parenting”, "protective parenting" (in English), “la parentalité naturelle”, “la parentalité biologique” (in French), “естественное родительство” (estestvennoye roditelstvo), “биологическое родительство” (biologicheskoe roditelstvo) (in Russian) are more often used in health and childcare research to help the parents to create strong, healthy emotional bonds between children and their parents (Dugravier, 2014).
The concept of “conscious parentality” most often appears in the psychological discourse which is often identified (partially or completely) with “natural/ emphatic”, “conscious” “parentality” in the practices of various informal parental communities (Jung, Pétavy, Pourcel, Rochet, & Serhane, 2017; Meirieu, 2017; Rey, 2014).
In sociology the most popular is the interpretation of the concept “parentality” as an aggregate of social functions, as a process of a parent and a family couple’s “denaturalization”. In French sociology the term “parentality” appeared as an initial one, adjectival of “parental” without any explicit links with psychoanalysis, and in the context of modernization of gender relations in the definition of the equality and the general status of fathers and mothers (Hammond, Cheney, & Pearsey, 2015; Césaréo, 2014; Martial & Segalen, 2013; Poussin, 1993).
In ethnology the concept “parentality” focuses on the definition of the attributes of the parental function in accordance with the specific tasks in different environments and between different individuals (Karsz, 2014; Goody, 1982).
In the legal field the term “parentality” (parentalité) as well as the cooperative upbringing of children (
Such concepts as “conscious”, “responsible” “parentality” have entered the Russian scientific discourse and applied practices relatively recently. However, we suppose them to be not so good and correct due to the fact that these concepts characterize the degree of active/passive acceptance of a parental status and the realization of a parental role more (Orekhova, Shaidenko, & Sergeeva, 2016). This narrows the solution of the problem of the “parentality” development, which is much more multifaceted than the attitude towards a parental status.
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28 February 2019
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Future Academy
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Pedagogy, education, psychology, linguistics, social sciences
Cite this article as:
Danilova, I. S., Shaidenko, N. A., & Orekhova, E. Y. (2019). The Evolution Of The Concept “Parentality”: The Comparative Linguistic And Pedagogical Analysis. In S. Ivanova, & I. Elkina (Eds.), Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences - icCSBs 2018, vol 56. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 49-56). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.02.02.7