The Development Of Family Self-Determination Of Student’s Youth


The problem of research consists in search of ways, methods and technologies of organization of psychology- pedagogical support for process of family self-determination of student's youth in the conditions of university educational environment. The purpose of the study: to identify psychology-pedagogical conditions for family support of self-determination of student’s youth and to develop the program of development of family self-determination of young men and girls in the educational environment of the university. The program of a subject matter "Psychology of Family Self-Determination" is characterized and is presented by the following system characteristics: purpose, tasks, methodological approaches, principles, components, areas of work, technologies, criteria of efficiency, summary of thematic occupations. Some experimental study was organized and conducted for an assessment of efficiency of this proposed program. There were Used the method of semantic differential, developed by Charles Egerton Osgood, the questionnaire “A Value and Availability Ratio in Various Vital Spheres Technique” by E.B. Fantalova, a projective technique "Incomplete Sentences", “A Purpose-in-Life Test” by D.A. Leontiev, mathematical-statistical methods of data processing, including calculation of descriptive statistics, Shapiro–Wilk test calculation, Student's t-test for dependent samples, non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Positive dynamics in such indicators as values of marriage and family relations making an image as I -a family man, motives of marriage, idea of temporary prospect testifies that psychology - pedagogical support within studying of the presented course contributes to the development of family self-determination of student's youth.

Keywords: Family self-determinationpsychology- pedagogical supportstudent’s youth


In Russia processes of a nuclearization, replacement of a family centrism with an egocentrism, reorientation of the population from values of long-term marriage, a family with several children, on the values reflecting aspirations of people towards individual achievements in the extra family sphere of activity, and first and foremost, is to achieve high social and professional status, the intended unwillingness of spouses to have children – "child-free", "delayed parenthood", destruction traditional functional and hierarchical family structure, the growing number of dysfunctional families, increasing in quantity of illegitimate births, development of such alternative forms of monogamy family as the actual marriages (unregistered cohabitation), consecutive polygamy (multiple marriages), families with step- parents, "Godwin - marriage" (separate and regular), bigamy marriages (male and female bigamy). The negative phenomena in marriage and family areas lead to distorted representations of modern youth about value and maintenance of family life. It is a particularly actual problem of creating a concept of preparing young people for marriage and family life in these circumstances. To speak about premarital education as a systematic impact on younger generation for the purpose of preparation and inclusion in the marital relationship, identity formation of the family man is legitimate.

Problem Statement

Previously we presented a model of psychology-pedagogical support of the development of family self-determination of students, which is characterized by unity of purposes and objectives, focus on gender and age characteristics and personal development of young men and girls (Merzlyakova, 2015). In this article we present the results of the formative experiment aimed at the development of family self-determination of student’s youth.

The object of the research is a family self-determination of modern student’s youth.

The subject of the research was psychology - pedagogical conditions of optimization of process of family self-determination of student's youth.

The hypothesis of the study: psychology-pedagogical support promotes development of family self-determination of student’s youth.

Research Questions

3.1. To develop a program of psychology-pedagogical support of development of family self-determination of student’s youth.

3.2. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed program by means of a pilot study.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study: to identify psychology-pedagogical conditions for family support of self-determination of student’s youth and to develop the program of development of family self-determination of young men and girls in the educational environment of the university.

Research Methods

5.1. For diagnostics of substantial and structural characteristics of family self-determination we used the method of semantic differential developed by Charles E. Osgood, the questionnaire “A Value and Availability Ratio in Various Vital Spheres Technique” by E.B. Fantalova, a projective technique "Incomplete Sentences", “A Purpose-in-Life Test” by D.A. Leontiev.

5.2. When carrying out an analytical stage we used math-statistical methods that allowed us to establish reliability of results of our research. All calculations were performed by means of the computer program IBM SPSS Statistics 21. The analysis joined Descriptive Statistics, Shapiro–Wilk Test Calculation, Student's Test for dependent samples, non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.


6.1. The subject matter "Psychology of Family Self-determination" is an elective course. The subject matter is taught to the students of full-time department of the faculty of psychology and faculty of additional professional education of Astrakhan State University.

The purpose of the subject matter “Psychology of Family Self-determination" is the software of optimal psychology-pedagogical conditions for the development of family self-determination of students, preparation of student's youth towards marriage and family relations.

The methodological basis for the development of psychology-pedagogical model of development of family self-determination of students made some positions of the system, age-psychological, activity-based, personal focused approaches. In accordance with the system approach the model is under construction as an organized structure reflecting interrelations between individual components of family self-determination, which make up the whole one. In accordance with age-psychological approach (L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, O. A. Karabanova) adult (parents, teacher, and psychologist) introduces an "ideal form" of a modern family, and it is created a space for activity, aimed at adopting and mastering the new social position of a family man by means of contemporaries (classmates, friends). Activity approach (A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, P. Y. Galperin) suggests the organization of teacher's active training and professional activity of students through a variety of interactive methods: project activities, trainings, role-playing and business games, etc. The personal focused approach is reflected in the fact that the interaction with students is based with regard to their sex, nationality, religion, the nature of parent-child relations and individual personal characteristics, which are identified in the result of the diagnostics.

On the basis of the mentioned above methodological approaches, we determined the principles for the development of family self-determination of student’s youth: humanitarization, subjectivity, developing and personal focused orientation of training, active involvement of the nearest environment of the individual in extracurricular activities. The principle of humanitarization allows to build teaching and educational process as a purposeful study of the cultural and historical nature of a family, family traditions, customs, rituals in Orthodoxy and Islam, saturation of ideas about the value of marriage and family relations having universal interest. The principle of subjectivity assumes a humanistic type of relationship between participants of educational process, which is possible when creating an atmosphere of psychological safety and comfort, simulating a situation of success in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. The principle of developing and personal focused orientation of training allows the student to learn himself during diagnostics, to define their own personal potential, when planning the trajectory of individual development (life script) to take into account their psychological peculiarities. The principle of active attraction involving the nearest social environment of students in extracurricular activities (construction of a family genosotsiogramma, family tree, and diagnostics of parent-child relationships) is determined by the leading role played by a family in the process of family self-determination of young men and girls.

Forms of psychology-pedagogical support are: psych diagnostics, education, correctional and developing work, consultation, and cinema therapy, interactive methods (trainings, role-playing and business games, a projective method).

Effective unit is represented by the criteria that allow carrying out an assessment of different components of family self-determination. The criteria for the effective implementation of the model of psychological and pedagogical support are the positive dynamics of development of family self-determination in students assuming achievements "realized and reached" type of family self-determination, and also psychological readiness for marriage and family life.

The complex of lessons in subject matter "Psychology of Family Self-determination" was developed within our research. The heart of the complex is training material concerning education of family psychology, marital and parent-child relationship. Here is a short description of the content of each lesson.

At the first lesson the students get acquainted with the system of ideas about the psychology of family self-determination as the section of family psychology. There is a primary diagnostics of content and structural characteristics of the family self-determination of students.

The topic of the second lesson is "Self-Determination of the Personality and Its Types" . We consider the problem of self-determination in researches of domestic psychologists. There is a two-level structure determination A. L. Zhuravleva and A. B. Kupreychenko (Vorobieva & Akbarova, 2015). There is an issue of self-determination in the age aspect. There is a problem of self-determination of the personality in the research of foreign psychologists. There are some types of self-determination are multicultural identity (Batarchuk, 2017), civil and cultural identity (Batarchuk, 2014), social identity (Chernyshev & Gaidar, 2010), personal self-determination (Ginzburg, 1994; Orestova & Karabanova, 2005) professional self-determination (Klimov, 2005; Prjazhnikov, 2017; Karabanova, 2016), virtual identity (Asmolov & Asmolov, 2009), gender identity (Zinchenko, Zotova, & Tarasova, 2017) and etc.

The definition of the terms "family" and "marriage" are represented at the third lesson "The Definition, Main Functions and Types of a Modern Family" . There is the development of marriage and family relations in the history of society. There are some historical types of a family. There is a classification of family functions. There is a criterion of typology of a family. There are some types of a family. There are specific features of modern family (Karabanova, 2006).

The concept of family self-determination is examined at the fourth lesson "Family Identity: Concept, Structure, Types, and Determinants of Development" . The structure of the family of self-determination is a set of interrelated components: cognitive, valuable and emotional, regulatory and behavioral, motivational, reflexive. There is a two-factorial model of family self-determination of the personality. Family is considered as a function of three components: my family (family of parents), my future family, a perfect family. There is a typology of family self-determination: "implemented and achieved family-determination," "predetermined family self-determination", "diffusion family self-determination,” declared family self-determination". Mechanisms of family self-determination are live broadcast, role experimentation, depreciation, rejection, compensation. There are social and psychological determinants of family self-determination (Merzlyakova, 2014, 2016, 2017).

The theme of the fifth lesson is "The Period of a Choice of Marriage Partner and Motives of Marriage" . There is a review of existing periods of a family life cycle by E. K. Vasilyeva, R. Neubert, Barkai V., Hill, E. Erikson. There is a criteria of periods of a family life cycle, proposed by B. Carter and M. McGoldrick. There are some characteristics of stages of a family life cycle: premarital, marriage and formation of a new married couple, family with small children, family with adolescent children, period of acquisition by children of the adult status and their separation ("baby birds leave a native nest"), and period of life after separation of children. Significant characteristics of the period of partner choice and courtship: 1) how and when there was an acquaintance (a place and a situation of acquaintance), and 2) the nature of first impressions about each other (emotional and positive, negative, indifferent, ambivalent). There are some basic strategies of self-presentation: self-giving strategy ("superhero", "denying", "hyperbolic" and "replacement") and strategies of self-disclosure ("drama", "attribute" and "coping"). There are some factors affecting the strength of marriage. There are some models of the marriage partner choice: 1) model of "stimulus – value – role", 2) model "filter", 3) model of complementarity of partners, 4) search model of the "ideal partner". There are some motives of marriage (Karabanova, 2006).

Interpretation of love in classical psychoanalysis (Freud), neopsychoanalysis (C. G. Jung, K. Horney, E. Fromm), ego psychology (E. Erickson), humanistic psychology (A. Maslow, K. Rogers), existential psychology (R. may) are studied at the sixth lesson "Love as a Basis of Construction of the Marital Relationship" . There is a social and psychological approach to love in the context of the problem of attractiveness. The stage of ontogenetic development of love as a special type of relationship between two people: attachment stage, differentiation stage, the stage of autonomy and individualization. There is the problem of genesis and development of love. There are the following steps: 1) admiration of an object of love; 2) studying of an object of love; 3) origin of love and the first crystallization of feelings; 4) the birth of doubtless; 5) the second crystallization of feelings; 6) development of relations of love towards achievement of full proximity and unity with its object. There is a distortion and violation of feelings of love. There is a maternal, parental love (K. Horney). There are narcissistic (selfish love), neurotic love, pseudo-love, love prosecution (manic love). There are some characteristics of mature love. There is three-component theory of love by R. Sternberg. There are some types of love. There are some forms of marriage partnerships (N. Peseschkian).

The theme of the seventh lesson "The Psychology of divorce and of Family Breakdown" . There is an interpersonal communication in the family. There are types of violations of interpersonal communication in the family. There is a constructive and destructive conflict in a family. There are emergence reasons. There are socio-psychological characteristics of marital conflicts (Golubeva & Ilyaschenko, 2013). There are main forms of processing of conflicts in a family: physical, activity, social-communicative, communication (the concept of positive family psychotherapy Pezeshkian). There is a model of the "family council" by T. Gordon. Divorce is as a socio-psychological phenomenon. There is before divorce situation. There is a dialectical model of the divorce process (Maslow). Divorce is as a critical life event. There are some problems and difficulties with relatives.

The phylogenetic preconditions of parenthood, historical and sociocultural specificity of parenthood, modern picture of parenthood are studied at the eighth lesson "Parenting as a Socio-Psychological Phenomenon" (Karabanova & Molchanov, 2017; Karabanova, 2015). There are structural components of parenting (by R. V. Ovcharova). There are stages of parenting. There are main implementation strategies of parenting: 1) perception of birth as a temporary or permanent restriction for self-realization; 2) parent role is a new opportunity for self-realization. There is a specific of the differences between male and female models of parenthood. There is a psychology of motherhood (Zakharova, 2014, 2015; Razina, 2014). There is a role of matter according to the theory of object relations (Scharff Jill Savege, Scharff David E.). There is a psychology of fatherhood.

The basic characteristics of parent-child relationships are discussed at the ninth lesson "Socio-psychological Characteristics of Conflicts in the Area of Parent-child Relationships" . There are some types of family upbringing. There are some types of disharmonious upbringing. There is an age-related dynamics of parent-child relationship. There are some psychological features of the relations of parents with teenagers. There is a way to resolve problems and conflicts in parent-child relations. There are some strategies of conflict resolution depending on the type of family education.

The subject of the tenth lesson is « Grandparents (Grandmothers and Grandfathers) in the System of Family Relations» . There is a phenomenon of "partialist". There is the role of grandparents, having different motivational orientation (Bengston, M. Ermolaeva). There are some types of grandparents (by O. V. Krasnova). There are some types of grandparents (for A. S. Spivakovsky). There is a role of the ancestors in personal, intellectual, moral, and sex development of the child. There is a dysfunctional family in the works of E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Justickis. There is a secondary diagnostics content of substantial and structural characteristics of the family determination of students.

6.2. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effectiveness of the program of the discipline "Psychology of Family Self-determination." To solve the set tasks were used the following mathematical-statistical methods of data processing, including calculation of descriptive statistics, Shapiro-Wilk’s criterion, Student's criterion for dependent samples, non-parametric Wilcoxon test. All calculations were performed using the computer program IBM SPSS Statistics 21.

Using the criterion Shapiro-Wilk, we checked the normality of distribution of quantitative variables. It was established that the distribution of the variables of my past, my mother, my future, love, happiness, my future family, process, success, my family, marriage, I am a master/mistress, my father, my future, I am a future wife, security, sex, significantly different from normal law. For quantitative variables with normal distribution was used Student’s criterion for dependent samples, in other cases it was used the Wilcoxon test. We can see from table 1 , that after studying of the discipline "Psychology of Family Self-determination", the students showed increased average values in indicators such as values of marriage and family relations (parent family, the value of love, and the family, attitude toward future marriage partner, attitude toward yourself, attitude towards future children, rights and duties of spouses), components of an image of I and family man (an image of I ,I am a host/hostess, I am a son/daughter), marriage motif of success, ideas about temporary prospect (my past, my present).

Table 1 -
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We organized and conducted an experimental study on identification of psychology-pedagogical conditions of maintenance of family self-determination of student's youth. There were used such techniques as the method of semantic differential developed by Charles E. Osgood, the questionnaire “A Value and Availability Ratio In Various Vital Spheres Technique” by E.B. Fantalova, a projective technique "Incomplete Sentences", “A Purpose-In-Life Test” by D.A. Leontiev. Distinctions at the level of the statistical importance are revealed in such components of family self-determination as values of the matrimonial relations (a parental family, love value, attitude towards own family, attitude towards future marriage partner, attitude towards oneself, attitude towards future children, the rights and obligations of spouses), components of an image of I as a family man (I – an image, I’m a host/ a hostess, I’m a son/a daughter), marriage motive achievement of success, ideas of temporary prospect (my past life, my present life). The pilot study showed that the program of a subject matter "Psychology of Family Self-Determination" proved to be effective.


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28 February 2019

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Pedagogy, education, psychology, linguistics, social sciences

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Merzlyakova, S. V., & Golubeva, M. G. (2019). The Development Of Family Self-Determination Of Student’s Youth. In S. Ivanova, & I. Elkina (Eds.), Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences - icCSBs 2018, vol 56. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 395-403). Future Academy.