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Students Satisfaction And Requirements Analysis To Qualify University Educational Services 

Table 3:

Faculty Given answers
Faculty of Economics and Management foreign language, personnel management, financial markets and institutions, theory of organization, formation and evaluation of goods and services competitiveness, the world economy, mathematical analysis, history, marketing, insurance, management, finance, accounting, information technology in human resources management, cultural studies, economics, pricing
Faculty of Information Technology and Systems Analysis enterprise architecture, organization economy, computer science, databases, mathematical analysis, philosophy, sociology, linear algebra, foreign language, Russian language, probability theory, mathematics, information technology, life cycle management, electronic business, history, macroeconomics
Faculty of Business and Advertising examination and evaluation of the food products quality, mathematics, examination and evaluation of goods competitiveness, philosophy, microbiology, biochemistry, sociology, physical education, natural sciences, physics, law, advertising and PR, management, philosophy, marketing, statistics, foreign language, economics, advertising in tourism, design in tourism, specialized subjects
The faculty of Food Technology physics, management, foreign language, commodity science, microbiology, formation and evaluation of goods competitiveness, physiology of nutrition, marketing, Russian cuisine, product technology, physical education, mathematics, mechanics, basics of construction, sanitation and hygiene, life safety, management, chemistry, organization of services in enterprises
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