This article is dedicated to the methodological analysis of the problems teaching punctuation at the Russian language lessons in senior classes of secondary school. The paper deals with the issues of improving the level of students 'knowledge of punctuation literacy. In addition, it is given an experimental study of 8th grade pupils to identify current and post-experimental levels of punctuation competence. In addition, it is proved that pupils do more punctuation mistakes than orthographical in papers. As well as the use of traditional and innovative educational technologies in teaching punctuation in school and their impact on the development of pupils' necessary spelling and punctuation skills. The authors conclude that the study of punctuation at school is an important task for philologists. In the process of studying punctuation at the level of Russian language, pupils acquire the skills of punctuation literacy. In addition, the modern era of constant development of Internet technologies imposes high requirements for learning punctuation in the lessons of the Russian language. The authors conclude that the use of Internet technologies in combination with traditional methods in Russian lessons leads to an increase in the level of punctuation literacy.
Keywords: Punctuation literacyInternet technologyelectronic textbookexercisestestsdictation
The acquisition of punctuation skills continues to be an important social problem: the level of literacy affects the adaptation of school graduates into modern society. This factor explains the increased attention of psychological, pedagogical and methodical Sciences to the teaching of punctuation and the most effective ways of forming punctuation literacy of students. It is generally recognized that literacy in punctuation is an indicator of the level of the individual’s development of the general culture and language. According to the state educational standard for the Russian language punctuation literacy of students in schools is an integral part of the linguistic competence of graduates (Vasilyeva, 2011, p.49).
The issue of development of students ' punctuation literacy has always interested teachers. This is indicated by many researchers who have investigated this problem (Skryabina, 2016, p.35, Telkova, 2015, p.313, Ushakova, 2015, p.96,). The relevance of the chosen topic is that, despite the existing set of methods and techniques presented in the works of methodologists and scientists, despite the long process of learning punctuation, many students by the end of school and do not reach the required level of proficiency in punctuation.
Despite the presence of a fairly broad theoretical basis, the question of the formation of literacy in punctuation does not cease to be one of the important in modern schools, as literacy in punctuation is one of the important components of the individual as a fully educated and literate person.
Problem Statement
Modern punctuation is a complex, historically developed system. Deep mastery of this skill helps to accurately and clearly convey or perceive the meaning of the written message. Meanwhile, research shows that the ratio of the number of spelling and punctuation errors in written works of students, starting from the seventh grade, varies markedly: as a rule, the number of spelling errors decreases, and the number of punctuation errors for a long time remains high or even increases (Skryabina, 2016, p. 36)
In preparation for the unified state exam (hereinafter – the exam) in the Russian language, graduates have difficulties in the placement of punctuation marks in solving test tasks. In this case, the most frequent errors in the tasks occur in the following topics: "
There are several reasons for punctuation illiteracy
Well-known linguist and methodologist (Figurovsky, 1970, p. 25) highlighted that "when teaching punctuation in high school are limited to the main, general punctuation, i.e. punctuation of isolated, artificially selected proposals", without analysing the punctuation of the whole text.
One of the Methodists, the components of the task for the exam in Russian language (Tsybulko, 2014, p. 3) sees the main reason for the punctuation errors as the inability to conduct grammatical and punctuation analysis of language phenomena.
It is also known that the correct setting of punctuation marks often depends on the shade of thought, which is invested in writing; the nature and style of speech, and sometimes the arrangement of punctuation marks affects the individual manner of the writer. The student is required to learn how to accurately and correctly understand the meaning of both the individual sentence and the text as a whole, which requires knowledge of the style of the Russian language (Kozhina, 2018, p. 56)
Sometimes different sentence constructions affect the arrangement of punctuation marks. Therefore, the student must understand these methods of construction and be able to build a graphical scheme of the intended written work. He should also have knowledge of what the text is and how the text is constructed. After all, the text is the most informative unit of language in speech; the highest unit of learning, which integrates all the elements of the language system. As can be seen, in modern school education, the problem of increasing punctuation literacy is closely linked with the problem of understanding the text.
Another important point in this context is that the process of learning in school is built today on global information. In these circumstances, in order to develop a methodology for the development and improvement of punctuation competence of students, it is important to investigate the state of punctuation literacy in the modern stages of punctuation training.
Research Questions
To achieve this goal, the following questions guided the research:
3.1 describe the Internet technologies needed in teaching punctuation in the Russian language lessons;
3.2 to identify modern methods of punctuation literacy development in the lessons of the Russian language.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of our work is to consider modern methods of teaching punctuation in the Russian language lessons in the training material for the 8th - 9th grades of secondary school by identifying the role of Internet technologies in improving the level of punctuation literacy of students.
Research Methods
In the study of the problem we used analytical method (analysis of literature on the research topic), pedagogical experiment, testing method, statistical method, mathematical data processing. In order to detect the level of punctuation the pedagogical experiment was held at 8 A form of Secondary School 16, the city of Orekhovo-Zuevo. The study was conducted in three stages: ascertaining the experiment; forming the experiment; and controlling the experiment. Ascertaining the experiment allowed the revelation of the level of development of punctuation literacy of 8th class pupils. At the first stage, a group of 30 pupils did the test on 4 rules of punctuation:
punctuation in compound sentences;
punctuation in Complex sentences;
punctuation in the gerund;
punctuation with the participial phrase.
It was found that the punctuation literacy of students in this class was not sufficiently developed. The results were as follows: 5 pupils made 5 mistakes, 15 persons – 10 mistakes, 10 persons – 15 mistakes.
So the next step was a formative experiment. At the lesson the teacher used the Internet technologies: electronic textbooks, electronic tables with the rules, electronic schemes of discussion that the teacher made up together with the students as well as games, quizzes and tests combined with the traditional methods: dictation, control dictation, free dictation, creative dictation, drafting proposals, presentation, and composition. Special attention was paid to the punctuation with the participial phrase. The experiment stage was organised in the following way: the class is divided into groups of 4-5 students, and about 4 or 5 groups were formed each with its own theme for the project. Working, say, on a project on the topic "Setting a dash in a simple sentence", the group members with the help of Internet technologies find the necessary information such as the rule itself, examples of setting a dash in a simple sentence, presented in a table for greater clarity; interesting training tasks to consolidate the rules, from the simplest to the most complex, creative tasks on this topic of punctuation, for example find examples of setting a dash in a simple sentence in the media, in reference literature, in linguistic dictionaries. All these questions are distributed in the group, and each performs its part. On the day of the project presentation each student demonstrates his part of the task. The teacher provides assistance in the preparation of the project by advising on helpful sites. In short, the teacher directs students in the right direction and helps them cope with all difficulties.
The final stage of the study was a control test, in which there were ten sentences with the omitted commas on the topic “Punctuation with the participial phrase”. The pupils showed good results: 10 persons made no mistakes, 10 persons made only 5 mistakes, 10 persons made 7 mistakes. So we see the positive dynamics.
During the pedagogical experiment the Internet schemes of discussion upon the theme “Punctuation with the participle” was made up:
Read the sentence, find the main word and its participial phrase
Detect that the participial phrase stands after the main word
Put a comma
These schemes are installed at the personal computer of each pupil.
The electronic tables with the punctuation rules were also created at each student’s personal computer.
During the research of the problem of teaching punctuation at the Russian Language lessons at the secondary school the methodological literature was studied. It was established that the question of punctuation competency of students is very important.
It was detected that in order to increase the literacy of students a teacher must use the Internet technologies: electronic textbooks, electronic tables with the rules, games, quizzes and tests. The teacher also uses traditional methods of work: dictation, control dictation, free dictation, creative dictation, drafting proposals, presentation, and composition.
The pedagogical experiment with the use of the Internet technologies showed good results of punctuation among pupils of the 8th form of School 16, the city of Orekhovo-Zuevo. In these cases, we see how with the help of Internet technologies, children develop general educational skills, self-organization and reflection skills, how they develop the skills of using information technologies, automation of information retrieval activities. This is the activity contact of students with modern information technologies.
The results of our study are of practical importance, because its theoretical material, guidelines, exercises, tasks, and conclusions can be used by teachers in the lessons of the Russian language, as well as students at the work upon the Russian punctuation at the secondary school.
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Publication Date
28 February 2019
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Future Academy
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Pedagogy, education, psychology, linguistics, social sciences
Cite this article as:
Astafieva, O. A., & Koloskova, T. A. (2019). The Use Of Internet Technologies In Punctuation Lessons. In S. Ivanova, & I. Elkina (Eds.), Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences - icCSBs 2018, vol 56. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 303-307). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.02.02.34