The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of the existing theories of continuous pedagogical education, the essence of socio-cultural partnership from the position of forming the teacher's ability and readiness for constant professional and personal development. The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership as a mechanism for continuous pedagogical education, to systematize and present the experience of GGTU in organizing continuous pedagogical education. The characteristics of socio-cultural partnership identified during the scientific research have become the basis for a systematic, comprehensive analysis of the practice of organizing continuous education at the university with the aim of its further improvement and promotion. The designed and tested project of the Council for Continuous Education at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution" confirmed the effectiveness of socio-cultural partnership in solving a set of tasks of the university, connected with training specialists, who meet the requirements of a modern educational institution, the formation of a professional and interested community that understands and accepts the challenges of the modern socio-cultural situation. The accumulated experience generalization has made it possible to present the levels and stages of socio-cultural partnership as a mechanism for continuous pedagogical education. The present project of the Council for Continuous Education at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution" is a component of an integrated continuous education system at GGTU, providing personnel security in the region.
Keywords: Socio-cultural partnershipcontinuous pedagogical education
The urgency of socio-cultural partnership development a in the system of continuous teacher education is determined by the set of requirements from the state, the society, the constantly changing socio-cultural and pedagogical practices (Skudareva, 2015).
From the point of view of the demand for a continuous pedagogical education system at a concrete territory (in particular, in Moscow Region), the following provisions are significant:
- declaration of the need for continuous education, as well as the integration of science, education and other social institutions by the state and the education management subjects in the region;
- providing a wide range of opportunities for residents of a particular territory to choose a professional education route; preservation of the human resources potential at the territory and its sustainable development;
- the demand for the specialists of socio-cultural and educational orientation at the territory;
- implementation of scientific research available at the university in the framework of training programs of various levels (Mil'kevich, 2016).
Emphasizing the importance of continuous pedagogical education, Skudareva (2015) notes that a teacher is able to decide complex pedagogical and social problems only "... on the basis of the formation of personal professional experience, professional reflection, continuous professional development".
In this context, the socio-cultural partnership can be considered as a mechanism for continuous pedagogical education, which allows effective teacher training at all levels (bachelor's, master's, post-graduate courses) and stages of professional education (pre-professional, professional, postgraduate).
Problem Statement
The mechanism of socio-cultural partnership as a mechanism for continuous pedagogical education has been rarely researched. This study attempts to close the gap in this area of research.
Research Questions
The research questions aimed to identify
the essence of socio-cultural partnership and
how social and cultural partnerships are formed in continuous pedagogical education.
Purpose of the Study
The aim of the study was to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of the socio-cultural partnership as a mechanism for continuous pedagogical education, and to systematize and present the experience of State University of Humanities and Technology in Russia in the implementation of continuous pedagogical education.
Research Methods
The data for this study was obtained through theoretical analysis, systematization, analysis of experience in the continuous pedagogical education, analysis of accumulated practice, design and approbation
The analysis of the theoretical propositions presented in the recent studies (Bosco, 2007; Golub, 2017; Kovalev & Gorbunova, 2010; Plumb, 2006; Samigullina, Shigapova, 2014; Stroykina, 2014; Zhilina, 2012) makes it possible to single out several contexts for the consideration of the concept “continuous pedagogical education”:
- in a broad sense - as a permanent character of the transformations in education, constant updating of the content of acquired knowledge; continuity of the process of transformation of education into self-education (Kovalev & Gorbunova, 2010);
- continuous pedagogical education as a system of specially organized pedagogical processes aimed at ensuring the formation and further professional growth of educators in accordance with their individual needs and social requirements (Kovalev & Gorbunova, 2010);
- continuous education as a phenomenon of practice, reflecting changes in the education paradigm, characteristics of objective pedagogical theory and practice, sociocultural situation (Bosco, 2007).
The indicated positions in realizing the essence of continuous pedagogical education reflect attempts to characterize it from the position of the system (as a set of institutions, organizations and programs), the teacher’s personality as a subject of continuous pedagogical education, the components of the process (goal, content, forms, etc.), the dependence of continuous education on objectively existing conditions.
The appeal to the researchers’ works allows us to state that social partnership is the result of the historical evolution of relations between people, society and the state. Gradually, the social partnership began to be considered in the context of industrial relations, the relationship between the employer and employees, which gave rise to the characterization of social partnership as a special type of socio-economic relations. At the same time, there is a rethinking of the social partnership purpose - from conflict resolution in order to maintain stability and state order as it is, to meeting the needs of the individual in social protection, in successful socialization. Besides, the focus of social partnership on maintaining the balance between public and personal interests remains (Mil'kevich, 2017).
As a result of the analysis of the partnership theoretical provisions , its characteristics are formulated: general (the presence of several individuals and / or organizations, the need to harmonize the needs and interests of the interacting parties, the focus on solving a socially significant task recognized and accepted by all parties) and special ones (a complex, multilevel system, spatial -temporary and organizational design), defining the theoretical and methodological foundations of socio-cultural partnership in the design of continuous pedagogical education based on a higher education institution.
The presence of numerous scientific publications on the problem of continuous pedagogical education and the theory of partnership testifies that:
- socio-cultural partnership is more often considered by researchers in the narrow sense, as the interaction of certain institutions or specialists, as a condition for the formation of certain qualities in the students’ personality in a particular type of educational institutions, which limits the essence of this type of partnership and, consequently, the possibility of its application in the system of continuous pedagogical education;
- practical organization of this type of partnership is not sufficiently systematic, reducing the effectiveness of solving a socially significant problem (in particular, the organization of continuous education);
- the algorithm of effective construction of socio-cultural partnership as a mechanism of continuous pedagogical education is not sufficiently developed (Mil'kevich, 2017).
As Milkevich (2017) notes, the essence of socio-cultural partnership as a multi-faceted concept can be represented in the aggregate of the following meanings: in a broad sense, as a specific form of social contract in solving a particular problem, satisfying the social needs of a group of people within the new system of relations , having a certain cultural framework (values, norms, traditions); in a narrower sense, as a set of social attitudes and actions of some entities, determining the willingness and ability to solve socially significant tasks through joint activities, pooling of efforts and resources against a clear awareness of responsibility; in the narrow sense, as the direct interaction of some subjects (employees of educational institutions, workers of cultural institutions, representatives of public organizations, etc. in the course of solving a certain socially significant task (Mil'kevich, 2017).
The structure of socio-cultural partnership is represented by the following levels:
- the level of social institutions characterizing the interaction of education, culture, society, public authorities, etc. in the formation of a single value-semantic space for the development of socio-cultural partnership in solving a particular social problem;
- the level of educational institutions, culture, scientific organizations, etc., characterizing the interaction of different types of institutions in the development and implementation of joint projects;
- the level of a particular institution characterizing the interaction of specialists in the context of solving common problems;
- the level of interpersonal relations characterizing the interaction of participants in educational relations.
In the previously published works, the positive experience of the organization of the continuous pedagogical education system on the basis of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education in Moscow Region "State University of Humanities and Technology" (GGTU) in Orekhovo-Zuyevo has already been presented. Such forms of continuous pedagogical education as pedagogical classes, practical-oriented model of continuous pedagogical practice for students of GGTU, the School of mentoring for young teachers in the period of postgraduate adaptation to the profession were presented (Skudarova & Osinina, 2017).
From the standpoint of implementing the socio-cultural partnership, the experience of creating a Council on the issues of continuous education at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution" is interesting. This Council is a form of direct participation of the local community in the discussion and implementation of the most important functional, organizational and management decisions on the continuity of general and professional education. Its goal is to implement effective partnership in the course of revealing the actual problems of modern educational policy on the issues of continuous education at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution" and searching for effective ways to solve them.
The tasks of the Council include the solution of the following problems:
definition of perspective directions of joint activity in the part of development and improvement of continuous education at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution";
improving the effectiveness of interaction between general education institutions and higher professional education institutions;
attracting public associations, charitable organizations and other citizens interested in and contributing to the improvement of the effectiveness of the continuity of general and higher education in order to develop and improve continuing education at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution".
The areas of activity of the Council for Continuous Education are:
Improving the quality of training students for admission to the university (promoting their vocational guidance and self-determination, developing their creative activity and self-educational culture, preserving and enhancing their intellectual potential).
Discussion and development of activities, programs for the development of schools and promising areas for the development of the university in the area of providing continuous education for schoolchildren.
Participation in partnership programs aimed at raising the level of professionalism and qualification of school teachers and the teaching staff of GGTU (opening discussion and experimental sites on topical issues of education, creating a fund for innovative ideas, technologies, expertise and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience with further scientific justification and ensuring access to information).
Ensuring the participation of representatives of GGTU in the preparation of procedures for licensing and accrediting educational institutions, attestation of teaching staff.
• Organization of tutors’ (future teachers’) activity for the development and implementation of joint socially important projects , youth initiatives, including environmental projects and actions with the participation of volunteers, with the aim of youth cooperation and the disclosure of students and schoolchildren’s leadership potential.
Attraction of schoolchildren to participation in annual student scientific and practical conferences "Day of Science", and also to various forms of scientific research activity (subject Olympiads, competitions, etc.) and other actions of pre-university career orientation.
Providing scientific support for the educational process organization in the educational institution, the work of problematic, creative and research groups of teachers and the scientific community of students.
Organization of scientific and educational work with students in various forms (lectures, talks, excursions in the laboratories, departments and other structural subdivisions of the university) in order to realize the professional intentions and plans of schoolchildren within the framework of their continuous education at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution". Creation of a systematic monitoring database on students’ professional self-determination.
Attraction of undergraduate students for conducting classes with highly motivated students in preparation for participation in intellectual competitive events and research creative projects of various levels.
Providing opportunities for teachers and schoolchildren to use the university material and technical resources (library funds, classrooms, laboratories, agronomic biological station, media center, etc.).
• University lecturers involvement to interact with students’ parents on issues of vocational guidance (Skudarеva & Khokhlova, 2014).
Consideration of citizens' proposals on improving the effectiveness of measures to ensure the continuity of education.
The heads of the territorial educational management bodies, municipal educational organizations of Moscow region, representatives of the local government (council of deputies, local administration), representatives of the public (scientific, cultural, business, etc.), heads of structural divisions university, representatives of the administration are the partners in the Council activity. According to the decision of the Council, citizens whose professional and (or) public activities, knowledge, experience and opportunities can positively contribute to the functioning and development of continuing education at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution" can also be invited to its membership.
It should be noted that the activities of the Council made it possible to solve a set of tasks that are significant from the position of the university's activity and ensure the personnel security of the region:
- a system of vocational guidance has been built up at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution", which provides a successful recruitment of students to the university in the direction of Pedagogical Education;
- an opportunity to continue their education and to receive quality pedagogical education is provided for school graduates;
- a socio-cultural community, ready and able on the basis of partnership to solve the tasks of strategic development of the territory, is formed;
- the image of the university as a full-fledged, successful partner in implementing socially significant initiatives in the development of the territory is supported.
The construction of a social and cultural partnership system in the implementation of the task of continuous pedagogical education (on the example of the Council activities at the stage "School-Higher Education Institution" included the following stages:
- preparatory - studying the state of the problem of continuous pedagogical education at the territory, the available resources of the university, the search for potential partners and possible forms of cooperation;
- organizational - coordination of partnership relations between different organizations and institutions, their directions and content
- activity - the implementation of a system of measures for building a system of continuous pedagogical education, conducting meetings and various forms of cooperation, promoting the idea of continuous pedagogical education;
- final - evaluation of the results of the Council's activities, satisfaction of the demand of the territory in the construction of a system of continuous teacher education and training of pedagogical staff.
The presented experience of socio-cultural partnership in organizing continuous pedagogical education is the result of a long scientific research and application practice. The designated content and algorithm of socio-cultural partnership can serve as a basis for the development of a continuous pedagogical education system by other professional educational institutions. It is important to confirm the broad possibilities of socio-cultural partnership as a mechanism for continuous pedagogical education, which allows to solve not only the tasks of the university, connected with training specialists who meet the requirements of modern educational policy, but also those concerning the formation of a professional and interested community that understands and accepts the challenges of the modern socio-cultural situation.
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Publication Date
28 February 2019
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Future Academy
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Pedagogy, education, psychology, linguistics, social sciences
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Gennadievna, Y. N., Stanislovich, V. A., Gennadievna, Y. E., Anatolievna, M. O., & Nikolaevna, S. G. (2019). Socio-Cultural Partnership As A Mechanism For Continuous Pedagogical Education. In S. Ivanova, & I. Elkina (Eds.), Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences - icCSBs 2018, vol 56. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 196-203). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.02.02.23