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Incorporation Of Complementary And Alternative Medicine In An Undergraduate Pharmacy Curriculum

Table 2:

Variables Beta S.E (beta) Odds ratio 95% CI
Year of study (Year 2) 1.129 0.424 3.093 1.348 - 7.095
Year of study (Year 3) 3.043 0.667 20.972 5.676 - 77.486
Year of study (Year 4) 2.177 0.551 8.821 2.996 - 25.970
Sought CAM Information (Yes) 1.513 0.481 4.542 1.771 - 11.648
Response to “CAM should be restricted to CAM practitioners” (Yes) 0.859 0.378 2.360 1.125 - 4.951
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