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Spontaneous Play As An Indicator Of Children’s School Readiness In Social Skills

Table 2:

Observed criteria Yes Partly No
Listens to the others
Controls his/her emotions
Communicates with other children without any scruples
Communicates with his/her teacher without any scruples
Respects the teacher
Respects the needs and behaviour of others
Is emphatic
Applies his/her needs with respect to the others
Cooperates with the other children
Respects the basic rules of social behaviour (i.e. is able to thank or ask for something)
Is able to come to a common solution in cooperation with other children
Is active in contacts with other children
Makes decisions concerning his/her own activities
Expresses agreement or disagreement in situations that require this
Rejects communication or participation in a game that is unpleasant to him/her
Treats toys and aids gently
Adheres to the game rules, acts fairly
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