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Exploring Determinants Of Companies’ Collaboration Based In Morocco’s Free Zones

Table 2:

Dependent variable R2 R2adjusted F ddl Sig.
Supplier-client collaboration ,522 ,517 104,375 6; 573 ,000
Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients (Beta) t Sig.
B Standard error
Constant -3,347E-16 ,029 ---- ,000 1,000
Economic satisfaction 3,705E-02 ,035 ,337 2,963 ,000
Social satisfaction ,152 ,039 ,152 3,906 ,000
Honnesty ,440 ,041 ,440 10,869 ,000
Benevolence 9,496E-03 ,034 ,009 ,281 ,778
Affective commitment ,274 ,039 ,274 7,028 ,000
Calculated commitment 8,095E-03 ,031 ,008 ,259 ,796
Information sharing 0.359 ,093 ,259 2,452 ,000
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