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An Investigation Of Individual And Organizational Factors On Intention To Fraud

Table 3:

Relationship Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
H4a IF JE .23** .04IF ITF .78*** .78***ITF JE .29 x2/ df= 1.491, CFI= .938 IFI= .939, TLI= .931 RMSEA= .052, PNFI=.747
H4b OF JE .24** .00OF ITF .82*** .82***ITF JE .33 x2/ df=1.603, CFI= .918 IFI= .919, TLI= .910 RMSEA= .058, PNFI=.736
*p<0.05 ** p<0.01 ***p<0.001,
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